We scoop them all the time.. just look for seagulls in a feeding frenzy in a big group, the diving birds are underneath pushing the bait balls up... approach the feeding seagulls, aim the boat towards the active feeding seagulls with their asses in the air.. is where the school of bait will be exactly.. as you get closer you will see the dark ball of bait on the surface and come up right beside it tight with the boat, second guy has the dip net ready and sends it in the water into the tight school of bait.. ! your net some times will be full! the driver of the boat has to slam it in reverse immediately or else the net is so heavy it will be ripped right out of the hands. We have a dip net with small mesh that works well for this.. we have broke the handle on it many times from lifting it full of herring..
We have used our salmon net also, take all your garbage and toss it into the net, add what ever you have, some bags, plastic and foam from the bait packs.. any thing.. it all sits at the bottom of the net to clog the large mesh holes... do a scoop and lift it in the boat as fast as you can before they get out.. the garbage in the net is enough to keep lots in the net still... keep your eyes open for active seagulls feeding tight together...