Sooke Public Boat Launch

Student Summer Job

Job Description: Marina/Boat Launch Attendant
This is an approved Canada Summer Jobs position with a stated preference for aboriginal youth. To be eligible, applicants must:
• be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment;
• have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year;
• be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and,
• be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
The position is an 8 week, full time attendant for the public boat launch and marina facility located adjacent to the Prestige Hotel in Sooke. The attendant will monitor launch fee payment, conduct light clean up duties, and engage the public as an interpretive communicator providing information in relation to local fisheries conservation and protection, the marine environment, recreational activities, and First Nations Fisheries.
The successful applicant will be offered the option of mentoring to gain his or her Pleasure Craft Operator licence through the online licencing course and test to be completed during work hours over the course of employment.
The anticipated start date is July 2, 2015, ending August 31, 2015. The hours of work are 40 hours per week, 8 hours per day, Thursday through Monday, beginning at dawn. The rate of pay is $10.25 p/hr.
The position involves the handling of cash, and the applicant must be presentable and able to demonstrate trustworthiness and reliability in dealing with the public, and show an ability to meet the early start time.
To apply, please submit a resume by email to
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Parking RFC

There are 21 trailer slots on the launch parking ranging from 24' to 46', and as premium spots, I think they are undervalued by being treated the same as road parking.

This is a request for comments on the idea of auctioning reservations for parking.

We need to enforce exclusion of Prestige parking when it interferes with launch operations, and that will require a budget.
Oops, Thur - Monday :-) Thanks for the catch
I think as a yearly non-resident pass member I strongly object. I think people without trailers, hotel guests etc. that park, or park overnight in trailer spaces should be towed. How is it fair for us that have paid ?... I still paid over a hundred dollars for my pass. As far spots go its first come first serve then the road. That includes the guys that park in round about and block the ramp.

If you don't get some authority down there to tow vehicles its going deter people from getting yearly memberships/launching.

Also what are doing about search and rescue. Aren't they pulling out the dock sections/shed for new location and moving them including where cleaning table is?
Everyone pays for the launch, not the parking. The launch fee does not buy any parking. I told them as strongly as possible not to lump the two together, and as with everything else they were told, they ignored all input.

I told them charging extra for non-resident simply makes an unenforceable administrative nightmare and delivers the message that we don't want people coming here. It defeats the purpose of the facility, and yet there you have it.

Please PM me with your non-resident pass #.
Everyone pays for the launch, not the parking. The launch fee does not buy any parking. I told them as strongly as possible not to lump the two together, and as with everything else they were told, they ignored all input.

I told them charging extra for non-resident simply makes an unenforceable administrative nightmare and delivers the message that we don't want people coming here. It defeats the purpose of the facility, and yet there you have it.

Please PM me with your non-resident pass #.
Being a visitor, I would figure that the launch includes parking for truck and trailer. Does everywhere else. What good is a launch, if I have to park my truck and trailer 2 km away? How much stuff and fish is still on my boat if I have to hike a long ways to get the trailer and am by myself? Is Sooke covering loss? You need designated trailer spots and tow cars that park in them. We have a ramp in Emeryville, that has a problem with a local restaurant customers parking in the trailer spots. Should be ticketed and towed! At least they have a a bunch of trailer spots, so Sunday morning is the big problem. Large Chinese Buffet place.
Until you deal with parking issues don't expect any positive replies or support from the Fishing Community .
The implementation of this ramp was poorly planned and executed.
Now it seems nothing can be done about it.

Should be simply boat and trailer parking only in designated spots sun up to sun down.
If hotel needs the overflow for evening events, no big deal. Just be out of the spots by sun up.
Signed and enforced.
Seems too late now.
"don't expect any positive replies or support from the Fishing Community"

With no positive support from the fishing community, what defends its interest against the union interest to make the operation a staff job at taxpayer expense and political pressure to turn operational matters over to the Prestige?
Here's is the bylaw as copied from the DOS:
"Use of Public Boat Launch - Non-commercial only (INCLUDES PARKING):
• Launch of one boat per day
• Twelve month boat launch permit valid from date of issue (purchased at Municipal Office)
o Resident
o Non-resident
$ 10.00
$ 60.00
Use of Public Boat Launch parking - General Pay
• Hourly rate
• 24-Hour rate
$ 2.00

The launch fee does include parking as and when available. "Auction off a reservation system for parking?" I have lots of thoughts on it but I'll keep them to myself - a huge NO! should make the point.
First come first serve on parking. TFB if Bubba launching his 12' tinner beat you to it. Your doing some walking.
If the prestige will operate it and keep the parking space free for boats/trailers , works for me.

The Prestige believes it's their right to use the boat launch parking for free hotel parking. The only thing opposing that (mistaken) belief is me. "If" doesn't enter into it.
The launch at Tulista park in Sidney is enforced by Robbins. I've never seen a vehicle without trailer parked in a trailer space because they regularly ticket parking infractions. Could you contract out the parking enforcement at the Sooke launch?
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Everyone pays for the launch, not the parking. The launch fee does not buy any parking. I told them as strongly as possible not to lump the two together, and as with everything else they were told, they ignored all input.

I told them charging extra for non-resident simply makes an unenforceable administrative nightmare and delivers the message that we don't want people coming here. It defeats the purpose of the facility, and yet there you have it.

Please PM me with your non-resident pass #.

Why do you want my number? Just curious...

We are trying out cones on the parking, one of the purposes for which is that boaters use them to flag their trailer if it's hanging out in the approach. It would be appreciated if they were put back after parking so the next guy can drive in to the space. It looks like they might work to keep the hotel vehicles out too.

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What really gets me mad is these clowns that are supposed to be so intelligent who launch but as soon as they get in there boat there brains seem to go into neutral, there is sign EVERYWHERE that says SLOW WAKE!!!!!!!!! but NO AS SOON AS THEY GET OUT FROM DOCK THEY FLOOR IT PAST JOCKS AND SOOKE HARBOUR.....or even better they burn full tilt out about 100ft thinking its OK....if your in such a big rush leave 10 mins earlier we don't appreciate the wake at our docks.
GUY today came in full tilt past the red marker and slowed down right in front of sooke harbor sending boats flying if it continues i think ill start throwing weights thru a windshield this is sooooo disrespectful I really dont know why guys do this.....

