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quote:got my vote
- <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> Get Real Man! Not in this nor any other lifetime would I ever consider such a sentence!

For the digs on the loering of the limits, and the REDUCTION of the Native Fishery efforts in the Alberni Valley, see:

Of course there will be renegades that won't abide, but this is a good step forward in trying to get the escapement we so desperately need on this run!

quote:got my vote
- <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> Get Real Man! Not in this nor any other lifetime would I ever consider such a sentence!

For the digs on the loering of the limits, and the REDUCTION of the Native Fishery efforts in the Alberni Valley, see:

Of course there will be renegades that won't abide, but this is a good step forward in trying to get the escapement we so desperately need on this run!

Thanks for the great information that you post ironoggin...cooler heads will always prevail....

Thanks for the great information that you post ironoggin...cooler heads will always prevail....


Great report. One question though. Which three days per week?

(I am referring to which three days/wk that the natives agreed to limit their netting.)

If am to sneak out of the mill one day this week, it would make sense to go on a day when there are no nets!


... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.

Great report. One question though. Which three days per week?

(I am referring to which three days/wk that the natives agreed to limit their netting.)

If am to sneak out of the mill one day this week, it would make sense to go on a day when there are no nets!


... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.
Official Barkely Sockeye Bulletin # 5 - July 9, 2004

SOCKEYE FORECAST: The 2004 preseason forecast was 672,000 adult sockeye to the Somass system. 60,000 sockeye are expected to return to Henderson Lake. The July 8 reforecast has reduced the estimate to 600,000. The next inseason run reforecast is scheduled for Thursday, July 15

ESCAPEMENT: Somass adult sockeye escapement through noon July 7 is 38,345 (Sproat: 24,238, Great Central: 14,107. Recent combined daily adult escapements have decreased to 4-600. Escapement remains well below average for this date. The problem with the broken grate in the GCL fish way has been corrected. A calibrated estimate of bypass during this problem is included in the above totals. Recent water temperatures: Sproat 23º, Stamp Falls fishway 16-18º.

BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Age analysis from samples taken in all fisheries and both fishways continues to show significantly fewer 4 year old sockeye than expected.

TEST FISHING: The test seine Argent #1 caught and released an estimated 3,815 sockeye in 10 sets on July 5/6. Released bycatch included 1 coho and 1 chinook. Stock estimates: Outer Alberni Inlet: 30,000, Inner Alberni Inlet: 175,000 sockeye.

ABORIGINAL FISHING: All fishing is for food, social and ceremonial purposes at this time. Discussion on fishing plans and catch monitoring continues.

COMMERCIAL FISHING: At a run size of 600,000 Somass sockeye, the commercial allocation is 92,000.
Catch information to date:
Gill net: June 29 – 104 vessels total - 18,398 sockeye ( average 177)
Gill Net catch to date 46,720 sockeye (preliminary, including 1,026 from a selective fishing project)
Seine: June 22 - 3 vessels total – 8,071 sockeye (validated)
June 29 – 6 vessels total – 21,814 sockeye (validated)
July 6 - 7 vessels total - 18,156 sockeye (validated) Seine catch to date is 48,041.

RECREATIONAL FISHING: Estimated catch to July 7 in Alberni Inlet is 48,600. Effort has ranged from 367-635 boats on July 1-7. Catch per boat averaged 5.34 sockeye this past week. Recreational boaters are asked to use caution when travelling through commercial fishing fleets. A brochure titled "On Common Waters" is available at the Port Alberni Office or sporting goods stores and marinas. Fishermen should check the Sport Information Boards at Clutesi and China Creek Marinas for specific information.

Aboriginal – Tseshaht/Hupacasath gill netting reduced to 3 days/week (noon Sunday – noon Wednesday) effective Sunday, July 10.
Commercial -Gill net & seine closed until further notice – next announcement Thursday, July 15
Recreational - Sockeye daily limit is 2 effective midnight Sunday, July 11, Uchucklesit Inlet remains closed to fin fishing.
A scientific licence has been issued for 3,000 sockeye to be taken by seine to support monitoring escapement of Henderson Lake sockeye.
NOTE: These management actions will be reviewed on Thursday, July 10 following the next inseason reforecast.

Note: Updated fishery information is available on the recorded message line: (250) 723-0417
Prepared by: Laurie Gordon
Resource Manager
Telephone (250) 723-0118, cell (250) 731-6606
Fax (250) 724-2555

Official Barkely Sockeye Bulletin # 5 - July 9, 2004

SOCKEYE FORECAST: The 2004 preseason forecast was 672,000 adult sockeye to the Somass system. 60,000 sockeye are expected to return to Henderson Lake. The July 8 reforecast has reduced the estimate to 600,000. The next inseason run reforecast is scheduled for Thursday, July 15

ESCAPEMENT: Somass adult sockeye escapement through noon July 7 is 38,345 (Sproat: 24,238, Great Central: 14,107. Recent combined daily adult escapements have decreased to 4-600. Escapement remains well below average for this date. The problem with the broken grate in the GCL fish way has been corrected. A calibrated estimate of bypass during this problem is included in the above totals. Recent water temperatures: Sproat 23º, Stamp Falls fishway 16-18º.

BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Age analysis from samples taken in all fisheries and both fishways continues to show significantly fewer 4 year old sockeye than expected.

TEST FISHING: The test seine Argent #1 caught and released an estimated 3,815 sockeye in 10 sets on July 5/6. Released bycatch included 1 coho and 1 chinook. Stock estimates: Outer Alberni Inlet: 30,000, Inner Alberni Inlet: 175,000 sockeye.

ABORIGINAL FISHING: All fishing is for food, social and ceremonial purposes at this time. Discussion on fishing plans and catch monitoring continues.

COMMERCIAL FISHING: At a run size of 600,000 Somass sockeye, the commercial allocation is 92,000.
Catch information to date:
Gill net: June 29 – 104 vessels total - 18,398 sockeye ( average 177)
Gill Net catch to date 46,720 sockeye (preliminary, including 1,026 from a selective fishing project)
Seine: June 22 - 3 vessels total – 8,071 sockeye (validated)
June 29 – 6 vessels total – 21,814 sockeye (validated)
July 6 - 7 vessels total - 18,156 sockeye (validated) Seine catch to date is 48,041.

RECREATIONAL FISHING: Estimated catch to July 7 in Alberni Inlet is 48,600. Effort has ranged from 367-635 boats on July 1-7. Catch per boat averaged 5.34 sockeye this past week. Recreational boaters are asked to use caution when travelling through commercial fishing fleets. A brochure titled "On Common Waters" is available at the Port Alberni Office or sporting goods stores and marinas. Fishermen should check the Sport Information Boards at Clutesi and China Creek Marinas for specific information.

Aboriginal – Tseshaht/Hupacasath gill netting reduced to 3 days/week (noon Sunday – noon Wednesday) effective Sunday, July 10.
Commercial -Gill net & seine closed until further notice – next announcement Thursday, July 15
Recreational - Sockeye daily limit is 2 effective midnight Sunday, July 11, Uchucklesit Inlet remains closed to fin fishing.
A scientific licence has been issued for 3,000 sockeye to be taken by seine to support monitoring escapement of Henderson Lake sockeye.
NOTE: These management actions will be reviewed on Thursday, July 10 following the next inseason reforecast.

Note: Updated fishery information is available on the recorded message line: (250) 723-0417
Prepared by: Laurie Gordon
Resource Manager
Telephone (250) 723-0118, cell (250) 731-6606
Fax (250) 724-2555

Now fellas, with all this talk of fish being pillaged and sold on the road side, and the question of rights once again rearing its head... I think its time for a moral boosting, spirit lifting rendition of our national anthem.....

GENTLEMEN... If you would rise, place your right hand over your heart, and sing with me......

"Oh Canada...
Your home's on native land"....

ohhhh.... wrong version sorry... how bout this old fav....

"This land is my land,
This land is my land,
This is not your land,
This is my land"...... or somethin like that isn't it???

Well, I tried

Now fellas, with all this talk of fish being pillaged and sold on the road side, and the question of rights once again rearing its head... I think its time for a moral boosting, spirit lifting rendition of our national anthem.....

GENTLEMEN... If you would rise, place your right hand over your heart, and sing with me......

"Oh Canada...
Your home's on native land"....

ohhhh.... wrong version sorry... how bout this old fav....

"This land is my land,
This land is my land,
This is not your land,
This is my land"...... or somethin like that isn't it???

Well, I tried

hahaha thats good stuff Red.
thanks ironoggin for the info.


hey!...wheres my float?
uh oh...
hahaha thats good stuff Red.
thanks ironoggin for the info.


hey!...wheres my float?
uh oh...
The song goes like this:

This land is my land,
This lands not your land,
You stole it from me,
You crazy Whiteman...

I came here trapping
And you came here scrapping
This land can't be shared
by you and me.

--Metis Fisher, Fort McMurray, AB
The song goes like this:

This land is my land,
This lands not your land,
You stole it from me,
You crazy Whiteman...

I came here trapping
And you came here scrapping
This land can't be shared
by you and me.

--Metis Fisher, Fort McMurray, AB