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what is the problem with the sockeye limit, sure theres not enough sockeye going through greatcentral, but look whos constantly netting that river, they're getting so many fish they dont know what to do with them and now are selling them for 5bucks a fish. and the sport fishermans limit is getting lowered too 2 per person thats a load of bull!@#$ the natives shouldent be aloud to net anymore fish. and if our limit is getting lowered so should the catch quotta for the seigners. everything always seems to come down on the sportsfishermen i dont know why but it always seems to be that way, as of how ive seen it. definatley a load o F%$#ing S&*^.

im out steelheadman
The amount of nets from the bridge to papermill is disgusting. A few weeks ago i counted about 30+ nets in the area, not to mention the boats doin doughnuts to herd all of the fish into their main nets NONSTOP ALL DAY LONG. But once again our government is taking a bow to the natives and punishing the sport guys again. Its ****ing ridiculous.
no this statement i herd really pisses me off this happened afew years ago also. it disgusts me, why dont they throw the book at the natives, and say no more netting for the remainder of the year, instead they make it not even worth getting up and going out for 4 sockeye, but hey ill still be out there getting my 4 fish cause when it comes down to it all its still fishing "right", and what else in the albernivally can even match the fishing in the terms of relaxation and excitement, to me nothing.well im going tubing down the river with about 30 bales of hay <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> and a fishin rod!

ne body care to join me

Its not right... Is there any sort of sport fishing lobby? You know the commercial interests have someone to bend government ears, and the native interests, well thats holy ground, can't f*ck with that. So its seems that the burdon of "conservation efforts" is dropped on us brothers!! Gotta join the system to overturn it!

So, is there a sport fishing lobby group anyone knows of?

quote: Did I understand you guys right, have they lowered the sockeye limit in the Alberni Inlet to 2 fish, per day, per licence?

NO, they have NOT (yet anyway). Info here:

There IS a local Sportfishing Advisory Board, and they are good. However, the FN issue is as usual being run from afar (Ottawa) and it's hand's off our 'upper class, privelidged' citizenry. Agree strongly though, since the Kapp decision made Pilot Sales ILLEGAL, those ladz have upped the pressure substantially. A real shame.

quote: Did I understand you guys right, have they lowered the sockeye limit in the Alberni Inlet to 2 fish, per day, per licence?

NO, they have NOT (yet anyway). Info here:

There IS a local Sportfishing Advisory Board, and they are good. However, the FN issue is as usual being run from afar (Ottawa) and it's hand's off our 'upper class, privelidged' citizenry. Agree strongly though, since the Kapp decision made Pilot Sales ILLEGAL, those ladz have upped the pressure substantially. A real shame.

There is meeting set for thursday afternoon(in port) involving DFO and all local interest groups.Catch limits have been put on hold until at least then.There have been concerns about not enough fish getting into great central?ie, not enough fish going thru the counter but apparently a gate was left open and of course fish went thru it and not the counter.How long that gate has been open remains a big????.It all depends on who you ask.There have also been some issues regarding certain bands not playing by the rule.While others have.
There is meeting set for thursday afternoon(in port) involving DFO and all local interest groups.Catch limits have been put on hold until at least then.There have been concerns about not enough fish getting into great central?ie, not enough fish going thru the counter but apparently a gate was left open and of course fish went thru it and not the counter.How long that gate has been open remains a big????.It all depends on who you ask.There have also been some issues regarding certain bands not playing by the rule.While others have.
I want to thank I.N. for all his great updates your work is greatly appriecated. I hate those that are taking fish to sell out of there trunks for 5 bucks "Ya food fishery" Get a JOB we have to.....
It's against the law for natives to sell fish so if you see them call the police..... LOL Ya like they will call dfo and charge them everybody is afraid to rock the boat...

I want to thank I.N. for all his great updates your work is greatly appriecated. I hate those that are taking fish to sell out of there trunks for 5 bucks "Ya food fishery" Get a JOB we have to.....
It's against the law for natives to sell fish so if you see them call the police..... LOL Ya like they will call dfo and charge them everybody is afraid to rock the boat...

I talked to DFO this a.m.,.. as of Sunday Midnight july 11th limit will be reduced to 2 per day...

I talked to DFO this a.m.,.. as of Sunday Midnight july 11th limit will be reduced to 2 per day...

... I wonder what the limits will be on the native commercial (oops I meant "food") fishery?

Probably increased netting to make sure they can sell more.

So much for my scheduled vacation in Alberni later next week. Still, two fish is better than none.

I wonder how many I can keep if I cast directly into their boats?


... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.
... I wonder what the limits will be on the native commercial (oops I meant "food") fishery?

Probably increased netting to make sure they can sell more.

So much for my scheduled vacation in Alberni later next week. Still, two fish is better than none.

I wonder how many I can keep if I cast directly into their boats?


... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.