Sockeye Re-Opened!


Active Member

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0656-Salmon Sockeye Retention in Southern B.C. Waters

The current status of the Summer and Late Run components of the Fraser River
sockeye return provides for additional recreational sockeye retention
opportunities in most Southern B.C. marine waters. This fishery is a low
impact fishery on Fraser River sockeye stocks and addresses conservation
objectives for stocks of concern.

Effective 00:01, September 3 and until further notice, the daily limit for
sport caught sockeye in the waters and areas described below is four per day:

-West Coast of Vancouver Island (Areas 24 to 27, 121 and 123 to 127).
-Juan de Fuca Strait (Area 20).
-Johnstone Strait (Areas 11, 12, 13 and 111).
-Strait of Georgia (Areas 14, 15, 17 to 19 and Subareas 29-1 to 29-3 and 29-5).
-Howe Sound, Burrard Inlet and Indian Arm (Area 28).

Barkley Sound (Area 23) remains open to sockeye retention with a daily limit of
four per day.

Sockeye retention is currently not permitted in that portion of Area 29
easterly of a line from Gower Point to Thrasher Rock Light to Salamanca Point
on Galiano Island (Subareas 29-3, 29-4 and 29-6 to 29-10).


Effective immediately to September 5, 2005 (daylight hours only) you may retain
four sockeye per day on the tidal portion of the Fraser River.

The tidal portion of the Fraser River includes the Fraser River downstream of
CPR bridge at Mission to a line drawn from a fishing boundary sign near the
entrance to Canoe Passage to the fishing boundary sign on Westham Island, then
following the westerly shoreline of Westham Island and Reifel Island to Pelly
Point and Garry Point, then following the westerly shoreline of Lulu Island and
Sea Island across the Iona Island causeway to Iona Island, then across the
North Arm of the Fraser River, including those waters of the Pitt River
downstream of CPR bridge.

Anglers are reminded that fishing on the Fraser River is allowed during
daylight hours only from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.
Check your local newspaper for these times.


Sockeye retention will not be permitted in Jervis Inlet, Malaspina Strait and
Sechelt Inlet (Area 16) to protect returning Sakinaw Lake sockeye.

Sockeye retention is not permitted in Nitinat Lake (Area 22), and in Boundary
Bay (Subarea 29-8).


Anglers are requested to release any sockeye that have the adipose fin
removed. These fish are hatchery raised sockeye and part of a recovery program
designed to increase the numbers of Cultus Lake Sockeye.

Sport anglers are reminded to participate in the voluntary Salmon Sport Head
Recovery program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped
chinook and coho salmon. Recovery of coded-wire tags from adipose fin-clipped
chinook and coho salmon provides critical information for coast wide stock
assessment. For program information and head depot locations contact the
voluntary Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program at 1-866-483-9994 or www.pac.dfo-


Rockfish Protection areas that are currently in effect are closed to all fin
fishing. Descriptions of these closures can be found in Fishery Notice FN0341
dated June 8, 2005. Maps for these closures are located on the Internet at:

The next update regarding the status of the recreational sockeye retention
fishery will be Tuesday, September 6 following the next scheduled Fraser River
Panel meeting.

For more information contact a local Fisheries and Oceans Canada office in your
area for updated information as it becomes available.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0656
Sent September 2, 2005 at 15:52
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Am I reading this right, you can keep sockeye in English Bay?