Sockeye in port alberni

My neighbour went twice this week both days he came home with fish before noon. Don't know much but he can't be going to far in his tin boat.

Category(s): RECREATIONAL - Salmon
Subject: FN0538-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Area 23 - Area 23-1 of Alberni Inlet - Sockeye Daily Limit Change
The 2013 preseason forecast is estimated to be a 350,000 return for Somass
sockeye. The Department has been working with the Area 23 Salmon Harvest
Committee and the Port Alberni SFAC and has agreed to the following change to
the recreational sockeye fishing plan:

Effective immediately the daily limit for sockeye salmon will be as follows:

In that portion of Subarea 23-1 from a line commencing at the red flashing
light at Lone Tree Point due west to a boundary sign across the inlet on
Vancouver Island near a point located at 49 degrees 11.033 north, 124 degrees
49.560 west then in a northerly direction to a line commencing at a boundary
sign in upper Alberni Harbour situated at 49 degrees 14.19 north latitude and
124 degrees 50.23 west longitude thence through the southern most point of Hoik
Island thence to the flashing green light at the mouth of the Somass River
thence due east to a boundary sign on the opposite shore will be four (4)
sockeye per day.

Please Note: that these limits are subject to change on short notice depending
on in-season information.

The Somass Sockeye in-season stock assessment program will operate as in
previous years. This program collects escapement, test-fishing, catch and
environmental information on a weekly basis. This information is used to
prepare weekly in-season run-size reforecasts.

Variation Order Number 2013-313.


Contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or visit our website at

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0538
Sent June 28, 2013 at 1346

Visit Fisheries and Oceans Canada on the Web at

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We were up yesterday looking for some sockeye. Trolled from Lonetree Point down towards Macktush, but no luck. Saw quite a few jumpers, and they seemed to be sounding down to about 60 feet, but they didn't want what we were offering them anyway.
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Out fishing right now....deadsville. Few scattered fish on sounder, no schools. Boats scattered everywhere. Going home soon.
Trolled Lone Tree to Sproat Narrows and back last night - 7 hours, nothing.
This am same thing.
FN friend says even netting is slow.

Pill or bust!
The boats loaded, the skirts are tied and the cooler is full of beer. Now it's time for the sun to do it's job and school the socks up for us. The other thing that will help is those @$%&*@ idiots at DFO not have another opening before they kill Port Alberni for another year like last year.

They need to have 500 sport boats trolling around the China Creek area for a couple weeks to give it a boost like it was two years ago.
Category(s): COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
Subject: FN0540-COMMERCIAL - Salmon - Area B - Seine and Area D - Gillnet - Area 23 - Alberni inlet Update
There will be no commercial salmon fisheries in Barkley Sound/Alberni Inlet for
the week of June 30 to July 4. The first reforecast was on June 27th and the
run size remained at the preseason forecast of 350,000.

The commercial TAC at this runsize is 18,220. The Area D catch to date is
approximately 11,000. Area B catch to date is approximately 9000.

The next in season run size reforecast will occur on Thursday July 4.


Mike Spence, Resource Manager, Port Alberni (250) 720 4440

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0540
Sent June 28, 2013 at 1409
The boats loaded, the skirts are tied and the cooler is full of beer. Now it's time for the sun to do it's job and school the socks up for us. The other thing that will help is those @$%&*@ idiots at DFO not have another opening before they kill Port Alberni for another year like last year.

They need to have 500 sport boats trolling around the China Creek area for a couple weeks to give it a boost like it was two years ago.

The thing that you have to remember is that Sockeye are a Commercial Priority species. That, as the term implies gives the commercial sector the priority that they also get with Pinks and Chums. No commercial Sockeye openings planned for this week. Next run reforecast is this Thursday.
My boat is loaded and ready to go as well. Now it's a waiting game. I was forced into going to Ucluelet the last couple of days with buddies instead.
Came back from the sound this morning, thinking maybe some sox have schooled up and so looked for boats.
Were hoping to pick a few up for the bbq tonight.
Between Chup and Lone tree there were less than 20 boats fishing.
Word in Bamfield was that commercial fleet hasn't done very well for sox so far either.
Hoping 2011 wasn't a one off!
Good news, They are biting quite a bit stronger now with quite a few fish showing up at our cleaning tables. Will be out in the morning and will give another report then

Buddy and wife have been out the last few days - they say its still a grind but some boats doing half-decently.

He reports lots of smaller sockeye overall, and they have managed only 2, 2 and 4 for the last 3 days respectively.
Gary , Lance , thx for the reports ,

encouraging , i will be there ALOT this month starting Wednesday ,
large crew there this next outting , they LOVE the sockeye fishery , weather looks stellar for the next 2 weeks ,
i had a pretty good idea this would happen , lets hope they really start ta school up ,n dfo gives us sportys a good window ,
help put some needed $$ into the good folks of Albernis pockets... ( pretty wishfull , i know )

Libbs , i dont think ur gonna get to many responses on pinpoints of gear and or ,,HOT spots lol ,remember us sportys are all full of $hit anyway : ) ,, some solid advise !! your best friend is the thirsty one at the cleaning stations : ) starting point would be nahmint ,,,,,

gd lk fellas

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