Sockeye in port alberni

A few days of hot weather could keep numerous sockeyes milling around
in the canal in mid-June, quick limits can be possibility. If there are cooler days with sun, rain,
winds, then it could be hit and miss fishing
So no one answered my question how long is run from alberni launch to where the sockeye are...? Or it worth it going up farther....I am not looking for secrets just general location... Christ were not in a derby.

Look at seafevers post then look at your charts and figure out how long of run it is :).
So no one answered my question how long is run from alberni launch to where the sockeye are...? Or it worth it going up farther....I am not looking for secrets just general location... Christ were not in a derby.

It's too early to go to Barkley Sound to fish sockeye this weekend. In addition, it's supposed to be a small run. If the run was strong, you can catch sockeye from Port Alberni all the way down to canal. It is not better farther from Port Alberni, just less crowded if the fish are in, and they aren't in so it won't be crowded.

If you want to go out to Barkley Sound, fish for springs as you will have better luck right now.
Your first request was kind of all over the place, I didn't know what you were asking. China Creek is about a 15 minute run from the launch at Clutesi. Anywhere around there is a good place to start when they are around. When slower, Nahmint is a good start. It is at the end of the boundary. Maybe another 15 from Clutesi, for 30 minute run in total. Of course that depends on how fast you are going. If you are rowing, it will take a bit longer.
Probably would just launch at China Creek if I did it.

If you plan on launching from China Creek during prime time and you're not staying at the campground, make sure you call ahead. Their space is limited for trailers and they've been know to turn people away just looking to launch. Add to that, if the weather's nice your boat will be full of dust when you get there.
IMO you're much better off launching from Clutesi in the fresh water and running out the 15-20 mins it takes.
Fished Friday - Sunday Hocking Point - Ten Mile/Namint, gave it a good 4 - 5 hours a day, usually had lines in water by 5-5:30. Friday, one bump first thing then nothing till 11:00 then a 10.5 lb spring followed shortly by a 19lber. Made my day. Saturday, first thing, bonked one, lost one sockeye. Nothing else. Sunday, couple bumps on lines, no takers. Seen one sockeye landed, couple reports of encounters with springs, but none landed that I know of. Quite a few fish on sounder, lots deeper in the 60 - 80 ft range, big arches on sounder, likely springs.
By the way, my 19 was caught at 35ft, 2 red hooks on a 20" leader. 10.5 on an A68 hoochie???? Go figure.
Fished Friday - Sunday Hocking Point - Ten Mile/Namint, gave it a good 4 - 5 hours a day, usually had lines in water by 5-5:30. Friday, one bump first thing then nothing till 11:00 then a 10.5 lb spring followed shortly by a 19lber. Made my day. Saturday, first thing, bonked one, lost one sockeye. Nothing else. Sunday, couple bumps on lines, no takers. Seen one sockeye landed, couple reports of encounters with springs, but none landed that I know of. Quite a few fish on sounder, lots deeper in the 60 - 80 ft range, big arches on sounder, likely springs.
By the way, my 19 was caught at 35ft, 2 red hooks on a 20" leader. 10.5 on an A68 hoochie???? Go figure.

Hey Stress Medicine. Thanks for the info.... Were you dragging down in that 60-80ft range?..most my socks in past yrs have been picked up from 55-77ft ...another couple weeks and hopefully things light up over there...would like to get a few for canning
Does anyone have any recent reports on the Sockeye fishing in the inlet? I heard talk this morning that people are starting to catch em?
Fished the Hocking to Namint Friday for about 4 hours, and Sunday for the same. Didn't touch a fish. Still seeing quite a few bigger fish arches down deeper, thinking they are springs as a few have been caught. No talk on radio of any catches as well. Friday I didn't have a lot of company, but Sunday must have been 20 boats in the area. Only heard of one boat with bites and they didn't get the fish.
Went out to Swale on Saturday, fished area from 530 - 11, 3 for 4, biggest 13lbs. Better than Friday and Sunday, but at least we got something. Sounded like a lot of frustrated fishers out there.
Hopefully this week will be the turning point since we haven't had much for rain.
Gill netters are lining up and getting their spots and more running out on Sunday.
Went to china creek for the weekend ,

Tried Friday morning for sockeye did not find any fish in about 4 hrs

so the next two mornings went to swale picked up 7 springs

A couple smaller ones around 8-13 lbs with one 16 and one 26 on the last morning

one sockeye on spring gear 80 ft down
Heading up to China Creek this Saturday June 22nd.

Any positive sockeye reports out there for the China Creek or nahmint areas yet?

Water still too cold for the sockeye to start schooling up?
What an amazing fishery DFO has destroyed with an assist to the commercial fleet and first nations fishers. When I got my boat 4 years ago I imagined family camping trips to Alberni every year to participate in the amazing sockeye fishery. We have not gone once - what's the point?

Now even chinooks are closed when a hatchery program can't even get enough fish back to allow for sport fishing something is seriously wrong. I don't think serious is even a strong enough word. RIP port Alberni we can add it to the list of all the other former salmon capitals of the world.
I heard that the upper Inlet will be closed to Chinook for sporties August 1st.

But I bet anything that a "limited" commercial opening will take place.

"limited" to taking just enough so there's none left.