Smoked Lox recipe


Well-Known Member
Not mine, but the best I've ever had, followed directions to a tee and only change was to add a clump of fresh chopped dill to the wet brine, also used the scaled down version at the bottom as I was only doing 1 fillet and I had more then enough dry and wet to do half a 15lb marble

Credit goes to SpyGuy from the Bradley forum, cut and pasted in whole

The Best Smoked LOX Style Salmon

Best Smoked Salmon (LOX)
From Spyguy

After searching for various recipes for good LOX, I finally created this one which is a compilation of many I have heard of, tried and modified. Making good smoked salmon isn't a mystery or a matter of luck; it's a matter of patience and time. With this recipe I have been consistent with my results.

This process is for cold smoking salmon (LOX) only, preferably with a Bradley smoker.

After speaking to a few people, who do this for a living I got the process they use but they wouldn't give up the recipe so I created my own. You may add any flavor you want to the wet brine. More garlic, or soy sauce, lemon, coriander seeds; there are no rules for flavor. You may use more or less brown sugar depending on your tastes, but try mine as is and adjust after you try it. For those who try it you won't be sorry. Please post your results, and feel free to share this with others but please give credit where it is due.

IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions over a few times before you attempt to use this recipe, it will help you understand the process.


If I overdid the details, you’ll get no apology from me. When I did it for my first time, I would have killed for details; details; details.

These instructions are for an average sized fish of 10-12 lbs (before being filleted).

Coho is best but I have used Atlantic with success as well. For smaller fish shorten the time and for bigger fish lengthen time.


If you are filleting whole salmon, leave skin on and remove pin bones (a small pair of clean needle nose pliers works best for removing bones that are still in the flesh). If you are buying filleted salmon, purchase whole fillets with skin on, and remove any remaining bones. Rinse if you want and pat dry (not completely dry). Leave fillets whole at this point with the skin on.

BRINING: (Two-Step process)

Step One - Dry Brine Ingredients:
••5 lbs. Kosher or canning salt
•6 lbs. Dark brown sugar


1. Mix salt and sugar well, using your hands to break up the chunks of brown sugar. This will be used for dry brining the fish. You must use COARSE (non iodized) OR KOSHER SALT. Any left over dry mix can be place in a sealed container or Ziploc bags. It will keep for a long time until you need it again.

2. Using a small container that is just wide and long enough to lay your whole fillets flat; spread an even 1/2” layer of the dry brine mix on the bottom (I use a Rubbermaid container just long enough for the fillets and wide enough for two side by side). Lay the first layer of fillets skin side down on the dry mix. Now cover fillets with more dry mix (1/2"). Place next layer of fillets on top with skin side up (meat to meat). Cover with 1/2" dry mix. Make sure fish is completely covered in the mix (that's why the size of your container is important so you don't waste excess mix). Continue to layer the fish. You can place them anyway you like as long as they are relatively straight and flat. This process will remove excess moisture from the fish and really firm it up.

3. Place fish in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

IMPORTANT: If you forget this part of the process and dry brine for too long, you will ruin your fish. Set a timer or maybe two of them so you don't forget.

4. After the 7-8 hours have passed you will see a considerable amount of syrupy liquid in the bottom of the container (the moisture from the fish) now take it out of the refrigerator, and remove 1 fillet at a time and cut in half (so it fits the Bradley smoker) rinse the mixture off the fish completely. Fish will seem hard, firm and considerably smaller than when you started. Discard the syrupy liquid from the dry brine process (do not reuse).

This next step will change the texture again.

Step 2 - Wet Brine Ingredients:
3.5 gal. Water

6 cups Kosher or Coarse (non-iodine) Salt

6 cups Brown Sugar

1-2 cups Real Maple syrup

1/4 cup Whole black peppercorns

2 Cloves garlic

Chopped fresh dill, to taste

While Dry Brining the fish in the in the refrigerator, begin to prepare your wet brine.

Directions - Prepare Wet Brine Solution:

1. In a 5 gallon food bucket (or non-metal container large enough to hold your fish and brine), mix all ingredients well, making sure that all the salt and sugar is completely dissolved.
IMPORTANT: check salinity (salt concentration) - a fresh raw egg (in the shell) will float in the mixture. If it doesn't add another 1/2 cup salt and mix well, then recheck to see if the egg will float. If it still doesn't float add another 1/2 cup salt repeat as needed until the egg floats. Let the brine set for at least 5 hours before using it.

2.Place filets that have been dry brined, rinsed, and halved, into the wet brine. Cover with a plate so all fish are completely submerged. Brine for 7-9 hours.

REFRIGERATION at this point is optional as the dry brine has pretty much "cooked the fish" already. I do recommend at some point near the middle of the wet process, you move the fillets around in the bucket in case some fillets are a little close. When they are done, they need to be freshened (this removes excess salt).

Freshening Your Fillet:

1. Remove the fillets from the brine and rinse in fresh water. Discard brine and rinse out your bucket (or container that you wet brined the fish in), making sure all spices, peppercorns etc are removed.

2. Now put the fillets back in the bucket and fill with clean water. Let the water run into the bucket (do not use too much pressure or you will damage the fish) for 1/2 hour stirring the fish gently with your hand every 7-10 minutes.

TASTE a small piece of the fish. If still too salty rinse for another 10 minutes but no more or the fish will begin to waterlog (swell). I do mine for 30 minutes and consistently have excellent results.

Drying Before Smoking:

1. Remove fish from wet brine. Pat dry with paper towel.

2. Using your Bradley racks (Teflon coated ones work best), turn the racks upside down and lay the fish on the racks skin side down.

IT IS IMPORTANT to use the racks upside down, this way the fish will be suspended and be able to air dry top and bottom.

3. Allow fish to dry for approx 1 hour.

WENT THE FISH BECOMES A LITTLE STICKY on the meat side they are done and ready for smoke.

4. COLD SMOKE ONLY! You may smoke from 1-3 hours depending on your preferences and tastes with alder smoke.

MAKE SURE THE HEATING ELEMENT (auxiliary burner) IS OFF in the Bradley Unit, or better yet unplugged it from the smoke generator. I use a Polder barbeque thermometer with the remote pager and have the probe hanging through the top vent and the pager to notify me if the temp gets to 75.


5. Fill the drip bowl with ice and add a good block of ice between the bottom shelf and the lower plate; (even if you cover 2/3 of the holes in the plate, it has no effect on the smoke reaching the fish). As the ice melts it drips into the bowl (not on the smoke burner) good design by Bradley. Place a large aluminum pan under the drip bowl to catch any water will overflow from the water bowl. Doing it this way maintains 60-75 degrees when it’s -10 outside. When my pager goes off telling me it’s too warm, I know the ice has melted and I need to add more. You could use the bottom shelf and place an ice filled aluminum pan on the rack, but that way you lose the ability to use the bottom shelf. That's up to you. Just watch the temperature (do I need to say it again)

With this recipe you can make the highest quality LOX you will ever eat. The finished color in almost RED (with COHO) due to the carmel in the brown sugar coloring the fish during the dry brine process. The final texture is like velvet and slices really well. I slice mine at approx 1/8" thick or a little more. Incidentally I recommend the SALMON and HAM knife available at IKEA for $25.00 but keep it sharp and clean.

I promise you won't be disappointed. However labor intensive it is you will thank me. This is a 2 step brining process before cold smoking. I just smoked 60 lbs of fresh Alaska COHO fillet On Valentines day. This is my method. If you have any questions let me know.

Mitch Unger

For smaller batches Mary Veithurst provided this useful recipe for the wet brine.
Makes enough for at least two small fillets.

Wet Brine Ingredients:
9-1/3 cup Water

1 cup Kosher or Coarse (non-iodine) Salt

1 cup Brown Sugar

1/3 cup Real Maple syrup

1 Tbsp. Whole black peppercorns

1/2 Clove garlic

Chopped fresh dill, to taste (substitute dry dill weed, if fresh dill is not available)
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Thanks for the great recipe! It is just what I am looking for. I will have to wait for cooler weather, though. It is almost 100 here in Idaho. (I wish I was still in Tofino:()

I am about to buy a Bradley smoker. I have used a little and big chief for years, but the temp control of the Bradley looks great. I will let you know how it comes out.

buy the cold smoke attachment too, then you wont have to wait
I have used his recipe for years.
The only change I make is I cold smoke for 5-6 days, and I only make lox in late Oct or November... too warm otherwise.
Add smoke in the am or late in the day. I usually only add smoke 2 x per day, and it ends up being for an hour or so each time.
I hang the fish by the tail I was told by a German guy who made great lox this hanging is part of the process of curing.
Made this a few days ago with Coho. Turned out awesome. Skipped the garlic and dill, only rinsed for 25 minutes (small fillets), and used the Smoke Chief attachment and Big Chief smoker. Ran 2 hours of cold alder smoke. Wife thinks its a bit smoky but everyone else loves it. Will probably only do 1 hour cold smoke next batch unless its springs... Thanks for the recipe and tips.
Just finished a batch today using this recipe. Followed the recipe closely. A bit of work but well worth it. I smoked up some large Haida Gwaii Coho and it is nothing short of awesome. Much better results than what I have gotten back from St.Jeans.

One minor note on the ingredients list on the dry brine. I think that it should read 5 cups and 6 cups rather than pounds? I used cups and it was about the perfect amount to dry brine enough fish for a 4 tray Bradley smoker. I had no problem keeping the temperature in the smoker to 70 - 75 degrees by putting a large block of ice on the bottom. I smoked for just under two hours.
Thanks for bringing this back to life, just got a major craving need to make some now
I've used this recipe many times. I occasionally do a dry salt followed by a dry sugar cure for a slightly drier product but both are good.