Shut it all down and save the SRKW

John Ingram

Well-Known Member
Propaganda 101 right there Hurt feeling scientific analysis.

Why not go a step further and kill off a lot of those nasty bears and wolves that
eat 10 or 20 salmon a day that will never spawn..... Maybe another 20 % (or More) added to the SRKW diet. ????

Or maybe wipe out most of the seals and sea lions that gorge themselves on the salmon fry and mature
salmon and steelhead....... There's another 20% (or More) to add to the SRKW diet.

Hell !! if we did all this and more we would have a lot of fat and sassy SRKW lazing about making babies
right left and centre.

Plus a whole list of others ( and they know who they are) that do NOT care about the salmon stocks and do
their own thing to reduce the population in the name of short term profits.

Rant Over