Shrimping around Victoria

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Does anyone know of any other places to go shrimping besides sidney or james island dock or sooke? I tried Sax point and there was nothing. Some place closer to Victoria.
You can shrimp from the shore any where and do very well, however you need special custom made nets. You won't find them in any store, you have to make them. You can catch a 5 gallon bucket every night, My father fishes for shrimp at night from the rocks. I will not revile his secret spots where he goes. You can easily find your own productive spot any where. Find a rocky small protected calm bay and go there at night with a strong flash light and illuminate the rocks under water and look for red glowing eye balls of shrimp.. If you find the area where the shrimp come in at night your in business. Take some time and scout some areas out at night. This is the season for shrimp shore fishing. Two important points you have to do before you are successful here... Tides! and your nets! which I will get to in a minute.. You have to shrimp at night from the shore..go drop your nets before dinner just before it gets dark, go back latter that night to fill your bucket. You have to pick an evening that the tides don't drop fast... the trick is to place the nets in not more than 5-10 feet of water! Yup, shallow! thus the importance of a tide that doesn't drop quickly cause your nets will be left high and dry... Now for the nets.. you have to make them, they are a design that is used by Spanish shrimp fishermen where you have one large in port at the top of the net. Your entire net is closed except for the top where you have a 5" diameter tube that falls to the bottom of the inside of the net about 2" off the inside bottom of your net. The shrimp fall into the hole at the top of your net and travel down and swim out from under underneath into your trap.. they can't get out cause they just keep swimming around and around the middle tube. The next secret is placing your bait.. you have to place two small bait sacs and suspend them in the inside middle of the trap against each side of the tub! if any part of the bait sac is touching the out side of the net.. your done.. the shrimp won't go in! they will latch to the out side of the net. You can say its a fine art.. once you find your spot that has shrimp and you get these nets to work.. it will blow your mind how much shrimp you can catch in one evening from the rocks. Place your nets to deep you will get non, place them shallow in the top 5ft. of water and see what happens! :-)
Holy CRAP! Thats an awesome response! Im going to make the trap, do what you said and see what happens.

Thank you VERY much.
I used to make shrimp traps out of 3/8 inch wire mesh screen. I would make them square with the sides bent up about 3 or 4 inches. The entire top of the net would be left open, they were about 4 square feet.

Cod guts work well although if you can get a tuna carcass, all the better. It's real oily. A salmon head works well too. Anything fish oily and stinky is good.

I agree, when shore fishing, fish in shallow water (under 8 feet), rocky areas. Fish at night when the tides are still and it's not rough.

One of the best places to go was Cattle Point (Victoria), just beside the northern most boat launch. Take your flashlight and look in the water, you will see their eyes glowing orange/amber if they are there. Place the trap in the water right beside the rocks, sip your beverage of choice, yak with your buddy and look into the trap with your flashlight about every 10 minutes. When there are lots of shrimp in the trap (you will be able to see wiht your flashlight), pull it up slow (so as not to spook the shrimp) and dump the shrimp into your pail, repeat as necessary until you have enough shrimp.

I've built traps out of an old bicycle rim and a piece of potato sack as well. It worked but I found that when hauling the trap in, the water would create resistance due to the fine mesh on the potato sack, the shrimp would get spooked and dart away. That's why the 3/8 inch mesh was better, there was no water resistance when pulling the trap in and the shrimp would stay put.

Have fun and happy shrimp peeling.

p.s. I've done this at the Ogden Point breakwater, Flemming beach, the breakwater next to Oak Bay marina... there are tons of places if you look around. The key is to find a night when the tides aren't moving too stiff and it's not choppy or rough. The shrimp don't like movement of the water.
They range in size from about an inch to 3 inches. That's with the head on. Don't expect to feed your family, it's a lot of work for little yield.

When I have out of town guests that are rarely near or have never seen the ocean, this is a good thing to do. It's lots of fun for them. take them to the beach, catch a bucket of shrimp, take them home, boil them up, dump them into a big bowl when cooked and serve with garlic butter and/or seafood sauce to dip them in.
sounds good last chance, but can we wait till it stops raining,lol,maybe a stove and pot as well to cook em up on the spot, and of course something to wash it all down with:D
quote:Originally posted by dohboy

sounds good last chance, but can we wait till it stops raining,lol,maybe a stove and pot as well to cook em up on the spot, and of course something to wash it all down with:D

Here we go. Cattle Point.. Let the local police know that we are having a club meeting, get a crab cooker going, and maybe someone has one of them things they use to heat the smoking patio's at bars! You can't camp there, but shrimp, hanging out, and a few Napoleans. For those who do not know, a Napolean is a beer that you hold under your jacket with your arm, so that you look like how Napolean poses for picutures. Or maybe Esquimalt Anglers would be an even better choice, cause, well, we are Anglers and everything.
quote:Originally posted by LastChance

quote:Originally posted by dohboy

sounds good last chance, but can we wait till it stops raining,lol,maybe a stove and pot as well to cook em up on the spot, and of course something to wash it all down with:D

Here we go. Cattle Point.. Let the local police know that we are having a club meeting, get a crab cooker going, and maybe someone has one of them things they use to heat the smoking patio's at bars! You can't camp there, but shrimp, hanging out, and a few Napoleans. For those who do not know, a Napolean is a beer that you hold under your jacket with your arm, so that you look like how Napolean poses for picutures. Or maybe Esquimalt Anglers would be an even better choice, cause, well, we are Anglers and everything.
just thought I dig this up for reference to my posts. Don't tell me,let me guess. After a few hours you were going to have cabs drive down to take ya home? ;)
Hey if homeless can camp in parks why can't we...just don't bring any id.;)

That sounds like fun


quote:Originally posted by LastChance

You can't camp there, but shrimp, hanging out, and a few Napoleans. .

I'll just bet all these posts are coming from guys under 30,because drinking with 'the boys' usually fades out by the time we're posting how much fun it is. If that's the case...sorry,carry on.
I'm just a bitter 'older' guy who lost a loved one through drinking and will probably not get over it.Sorry but that is just the way it's gonna be. Cheers,see tell striperjack not to worry about the Mods... just his insecurity. ;)
tidehunter if you knew me then you could flap your gums I am no where near insecure, and I am not worried about the mods. I just figured it was not worth the arguing about something that you decided to turn around, there are things and statement that are meant to be sarcastic, and thanks for judging me when you don't even know me. And just for your info alot of us are over 30 but enjoy meeting up with friends. Sorry if you lost someone to drinking and driving, SO HAVE OTHERS LIKE MYSELF. Just a tip, you only have 10 posts and I dont think you are making alot of friends at this rate.

SO dont judge everyone by sarcastic statements till you know them.

thats my opinion and back to fishing talk
quote:Originally posted by striperjack

tidehunter if you knew me then you could flap your gums I am no where near insecure, and I am not worried about the mods. I just figured it was not worth the arguing about something that you decided to turn around, there are things and statement that are meant to be sarcastic, and thanks for judging me when you don't even know me. And just for your info alot of us are over 30 but enjoy meeting up with friends. Sorry if you lost someone to drinking and driving, SO HAVE OTHERS LIKE MYSELF. Just a tip, you only have 10 posts and I dont think you are making alot of friends at this rate.

SO dont judge everyone by sarcastic statements till you know them.

thats my opinion and back to fishing talk
you are right. I have mis-judged people with my sarcastic remarks and it was wrong. :(
My prejudge was a product of past hate.
you guys get back to topic and I'll be gone.
Too embarressed to continue.
This would definatly be of interest to me as well. Pm me if this is a go or not...

You organizing this Last Chance? [8D]