Should we bring the Prawn Traps?

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Some friends and I are heading for Sunny Shores tommorow :D

We have been fishing the Sooke area for a number of years, but have never tried any shrimping. Is it worth the effort this time of year? What might be a good area to try? Was thinking somewhere out around Sheringham/Point no Point.

Any info would be greatly appreciated (and rewarded with cold soothing beverage!)


It's good to have friends.
It's better to have friends with boats.
I have never tried it out there. So let us know how you do. Only thing I would say is put some weights in your traps as the currents out there can be strong.

Sharp hooks and full traps!
I have been told that they will come right in the Bason and can be cought under the dock lights using a dip net. Any Thoghts? (I have never actually seen this though)

Gutz, I'll be there on Thurs & Fri nights camping. Maybee I'll see ya!
Blue K&C "Mandy II"