SFBC forum


Active Member
Yesterday I could not connect to the forum. Anyone else had this problem or was it a local thing. I'm in Sooke.
No problem connecting to the net, just the forum.

No , I tried also and gave up after about 3 hrs of on and off looking into and trying to access.
I'm in Crofton.

...same here, I'm in Nanaimo. Sometimes servers get overloaded and need to be rebooted, much like any other computer. Or sometimes it is a DNS issue related to caching.

Anyway, glad it's back!

RVP. ;)
Due to the serious increase of members on this forum sometimes the server times out due to the number of people logged in. This is one of many upgrades slated for 2008 it usaully happens on days when most can't get out fishing LOL

Cheers ME
Thought a lot of members is a good thing[8D]
Must be connected somehow with the weather. Less fishing and more log on:D