seals and halibut

fogged in

Well-Known Member
We have never had a problem with seals while fishing halibut on the bank....was wondering is anyone else long will it be til the damn seals develop a taste for halibut? They seem to follow your salmon gear deep. Has anyone had them grab their salmon bellies, mackerel or herring while fishing halibut?
I have seen them at the mouth of work channel eating halibut.
had a sea lion rip one off the side of the boat that being bled out. and another sea lion rip one off the line that came up flat way behind the boat while we were trolling.. never a seal problem with halibut..
I wouldn't be surprised if the odd one got the taste for them... in 2012 I had 2 Lingcod stolen by seals on the way up, but they were relatively small.
That might have been sea lions I saw.
had a sea lion rip one off the side of the boat that being bled out.

I call that trolling for sea lions! did it once , and never did it again. Those mothers look huge when they get that close to your boat!
Seen a seadog struggling with a massive skate once, but never seen a seal take to bottomfish, or bombers for that matter.