Sealice and Mortality


Active Member
Looks like the mortality rate on Wild Juvenile Sockeye and Pinks due to sea lice infested waters of the Broughten Archipelago has is definetly due to the fish farms according to recent studies.
95% mortality rates!
Maybe the international presure will do something. Or maybe it's to late?
It was on the News tonight, A study on Sea lice and effects on wild Pacific Salmon near areas with a high concetration of Fish Farms conducted by UVIC, UBC, University of Calgary and the University of Hawaii and many others organizations. All i know is that 95% mortality rate is not very good! Im sure you will here a ****storm more about this in the near future. DFO is of the hook with calls.
Okay, I saw the story on the late news (with increased mortality rates in a range as high as 95%).

But the DFO still claims there's no problem with fish farms. As is so often the case, there are folks who simply refuse to accept contrary ideas even when faced with mountains of evidence. [V]