Sea run cuuthroat

  • Thread starter Thread starter coho_killer
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i used to live in victoria and fished for these fish all around the chuck in vic and did really good! Does anyone still target these fish i wont say where but i know of a few hot spots where to get these fish but it has been years since i targeted them! there were lots of fish to be caught when i was living there 8 years ago! Thanks

I think he is more looking for someone to fish with or if people are still interested in catching Sea runs. With out giving away any of his secret spots.

I know a few spots but am yet to find then in any numbers. I have spent some beautiful days practicing my casting :D Let me know if you get into any!

Don't we all love fishing??? Then why do we protect our spots from each other??? Kinda seems selfish...just an observation...
It looks like it will be a few more years before you target them again in victoria.
How abundant are these fish, we can fish them certain times of year here on the Haida Gwaii? I've never targeted them but caught them in pursuit of coho.
RE: Sea Run Cutties in the QCI

You can get sea run cutties in the Yakoun in March/April and in the tidal portion of the Tlell almost any time. They are also abundant at the river mouths when the salmon fry start migrating to the chuck in April - June.

Good luck!
You can still fish for these fish under the bay stree bridge and out in bazan bay near sidney, also saanichton bay is a great spot to fish for cutties. good luck
as far as I know Bazaan bay is done after Reay creek was killed off - have they rebounded? I used to catch a few in the bay about 10 years ago.
I have caught a few over 20inches on saltspring was oct.
I caught them in the ocean,that sounds like sea run to me.where Cushion creek enters the chuck.they follow the salmon when they come to spawn.I do know my fish.
Sorry didnt think they had searuns. I was thinking st marys was the only freshwater and searuns wouldnt stray that far as saltspring. Nice fish 20inches is a huge searun
quote:Originally posted by Poppa Swiss

as far as I know Bazaan bay is done after Reay creek was killed off - have they rebounded? I used to catch a few in the bay about 10 years ago.
April 3 yr ago,rising tide,Bazan Bay,2 fly fishers hitting them right after another,looked to be about 14-16in