Scotty Trap Puller

Scotty has a great warranty which you probably will never use. It will also pull 4 traps on one line. Yes you can do that when Rigged per the regs. It is hands down the most compact puller out there. For the best price on the Island on the Scotty puller see-- look under sales
Apparently they're at Harbour Chandler in Nanaimo for $389
Gotta love a price war! Particularly on Scotty stuff - their pricing has traditionally been pretty tight.
Lets not forget both Scotty and Ace have donated pullers for the SFBC members derby! Get your SFBC members derby tickets today and maybe in Sept you will have the best priced puller out there :)
So now that these have been around for a while, can any regular prawners give a report on the scotty puller? Do you like it better than the competition?
I like mine better then the ace I tried but only used an ace once - it wasnt the hands free.
It HAS to be better than my King... piece of crap that needs to babied constantly.....
I am a great fan of Scotty in general but went with the Ace - Brutus plus 40. Our primary use is for crab fishing where we use 2 large heavy commercial style traps that with a load of Crab in them can go over 50lbs each and which we leave in the water all summer. The ace allows us to get the trap much higher out of the water so that there is a lot less lifting of the trap and combined with the much longer boom helps keep the trap out farther away from the hull which decreases the potential for surface damage to the boat. If anything I would like the puller higher and the boom longer. Ideally the very large trap would be raised flat above the side of the boat, then pivoted on the mount to turn in and the trap lowered onto the back corner of the boat. We may look into an extension for the Scotty pivot mount and see if we can get the trap even higher out of the water so there is no lifting except to toss it back in empty. I do wish the Ace had a little more power and was faster pulling up the heavy traps.
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I am a great fan of Scotty in general but went with the Ace - Brutus plus 40. Our primary use is for crab fishing where we use 2 large heavy commercial style traps that with a load of Crab in them can go over 50lbs each and which we leave in the water all summer. The ace allows us to get the trap much higher out of the water so that there is a lot less lifting of the trap and combined with the much longer boom helps keep the trap out farther away from the hull which decreases the potential for surface damage to the boat. If anything I would like the puller higher and the boom longer. Ideally the very large trap would be raised flat above the side of the boat, then pivoted on the mount to turn in and the trap lowered onto the back corner of the boat. We may look into an extension for the Scotty pivot mount and see if we can get the trap even higher out of the water so there is no lifting except to toss it back in empty. I do wish the Ace had a little more power and was faster pulling up the heavy traps.

The reason why you like your Ace is the same reason why I bought the Scotty :) I've used the Ace and felt like the longer/higher arm put a lot of force on the gunnel and Scotty base. Scotty has reported that there have been a few times where an Ace style puller has broken Scotty swivel bases so I feel like with the shorter boom, I've got less to worry about there. I also LOVE the fact that the Scotty puller is smaller. It fits very neatly in my boat which is smaller than a lot of rigs out there. All these issues might go away for the bigger boat types but I'm happy with the Scotty so far.
I am surprised that a swivel base broke using the Brutus. Must have been a very heavy load. When you think of a downrigger with a 15lb ball of lead on the end trolling fully extended in current at a 45 degree angle you would think that would be more loaded up. Two different loads though one in shear. I figure either option is good but I like the Brutus for the obvious reasons.

Hands free is the cats butt. I only pull two at a time though 1lb in each trap plus a five pounder at the beginning with 100 feet lead line plus 400 floating. Should be reinforcing the gunnel regardless of puller also. Put a safety cable on the puller too through the second hole so if it does break it smashes the side of your boat instead of watching it sink.