Fish Assassin
Crew Member
I don't know much about other pullers, but I have used Ace for over 10 years. I've broken the boom off when snagged on the bottom, I've burnt out motors, broken switches and some other stuff that wasn't the fault of the puller. It has all been fixed, no charge. I went Ace today with a motor that didn't work. I actully took it apart to see if I could fix it. Ya right!! Dropped off a box full of peices, and they said come back in one hour and pick it up. NO CHARGE. A great Van Isle company to do business with.
Just my 2 cents but until someone can provide better service I won't switch. $500.00 dollars or $5000.00 dollars sooner or later it will break and who's going to look after you then.
Was there my self today... They are the best company. Service can't be beat. They went over my entire unit and rebuilt everything and upgraded the unit. Never ever had a problem with them.. I'd buy another in a heart beat if they couldn't fix my unit but they always can which is why I like Ace so much.