Pro Line Hauler with 400 ft spool, spare 200 ft pool, extra spool. Very thin diameter rode to prevent trap sweeping away in tidal current. Bag. Dewalt Atomic compact 20 volt drill, 2 batteries and charger. Crank if battery dies, case. A brushless drill is a must. A brushed drill will burn out...I speak from experience. This drill is a replacement and has never been used as boat is for sale. The hauler fits in a Scotty mount. Lots of info on Google. System works like a charm. Prawns will not enter a trap that is moving so will include a short rode / chain / carabiner / folding anchor at no charge. North Vancouver. Bob. Cel: 604-805-4044. $325 for everything captioned. Will sell separately: Pro- Hauler $ 225 ; Dewalt $100.
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