Salmon thieves

Why is it they only take get the big ones!!!

I have found the best bet is to turn your boat straight at the seal and charge them. Sometimes they'll spit the fish.
If you have fish and seal still on the line try to keep the boat over the seal. They can only hold their breath for so long with a fish in their mouth.

Fortunately I have not run into a problem in the last couple of years.
If I tell you the solution, will you keep it a SECRET??? OK, HEAR GOES. Are you aware that he Seal's only real predator is a TRANSIENT, MEAT EATING KILLER WHALE???? Are you aware that the Victoria Aquarium put out a CD called WHALES OF BLACKFISH SOUND? It is all about the different killer whale dialects. Did you know that there are seperate dialects of the transient, MEAT EATING KILLER WHALES???

What if, you got the CD, and copied over and over the Whale Sounds, and when you got a fish on, you cranked the stereo full blast (Boom Boxes work great). Water can transmit sound for Miles. Seals have very sensitive ears. Seals don't like the sound of killer whales. It seems to make them nervous for some reason.

I used to fish the very seal ridden waters of Norris Rock, Tribune Bay, Flora Rocks, on the south end of Hornby and Denman Islands. We had a real headache with the damn seals. I made up a tape I called "STEAL NO MORE". It was a huge hit, and believe me, I got alot of looks on the water. I also got alot of questions about making a copy for the other guys fishing out of Bowser Bill's at Qualicum Beach. The bet testimonial was the morning we boated 5 coho in a row with the tape playing, and when the future sister in law hit fast forward instead of play, we lost that fish to a seal.

Just an idea.

Drewski, Flora, Norris ( heron rocks) Eagle rock and Chrome are in my memory bank of the best fishing days i spent as a youg fellar on the water? Whats the storey up there now ? Are the days of the non stop hard hitting springs off the flats truly gone ??? I havn't fished up there since the days of Danny Wong and his DU JIGGER, Does Barry Thornton still Flyfish off lil Tribune ??? That was awsome...
If you ask me, the best method of discouraging seals is to "fish" for them. Get yourself a marlin rod, some shark hooks and troll a cut plug salmon around the rocks. After a few "hookups" old Mr. Whiskers should get the idea.
Hardtimes, Spooled again, Get the CD, and when you GET A FISH ON, turn up the volume. you don't play the music all the time. Only when a fish is on. As for smoking a J, I will leave that to you guys. I am too busy netting fish. However, if you want to put your other recreational pursuits aside, try this technique out for your self. incidentally, fish don't seem to react to the whale sounds. After the net is washed, turn off the noise, and get back to fishing.

Brilliant Drewski!!! And here's something else to try:

It's a known fact that Polar bears eat seals…so why don't you dress up in a big white polar bear suit and jump up and down on the bow of your boat whenever you hook a spring!

Keep us updated if it works!
Don't be too hard on Drewski. His idea isn't that far fetched. I have tried this theory in the past using a cd I burned of orca hunting sounds I downloaded from internet. Here's what happened.
Off Five Fingers in Nanaimo, I dropped boat to trolling speed among about 12 seals basking at surface. They paid me no attention. I cranked the cd and not a seal head was seen in the water. I cruised around the corner of the island and at least 10 seals on the rocks where there wasn't any before. Later in day hooked a spring, cranked cd and landed fish. That alone is rare in the area!

This could all be co-incidence, as as this is the only time I ever tried it. Burned out cd player a few trips later. (Bummer)
Hey Drewski: I'll take a copy! You just might have something there? I think electronics are the way to go, given what we can legally use.Otherwise the powers that be are going to have to recognize and contol seals that have chosen almost exclusively to feed on recreationally hooked salmon. Like that's going to happen!! I'm sure it would not take to long to cull the wayward fish nappers if the recreational fishers were given the green light.

THIS ISN'T THEORY. I have pulled up to Norris Rock, on Lambert Channel, turned on the stereo, and watched every black little ******* surface and start swimming for land. We used this for a couple of years before we started fishing the seal free waters of Gold River. I got this idea from something I read about Gillnetters having a device that they used to keep the seals off the nets. I could not buy what I had heard about, so I made my own, technically, by using the boat's stereo.

Incidentally, as for the Polar Bear Costume, If you lost as many flashers as I have to the black bastards, I probably would have done that, if there were Polar Bears on Vancouver Island. By the way, remember a few years ago the run on that Killer Whale beach toy, that guys where pulling behind their boats about 100 feet back? Funniest thing to see, until you realized that every trailing seal that saw that thing took off. If I could train a Killer Whale to go in and scare those gear robbing menaces, I surely would. Since I can't, I did the next best thing by getting the message across through my stereo.

My worst Seal experience was buzz bombing on Tribune bay with a customized Zinger back in '96. We were nailing the Springs, and of about 15 hooked, managed to land only a few, while losing all of my customized Zingers in the process. Sling shots had limited effect, as you really need to make a direct hit on a seal to get the message across.

Anyways, laugh. But I am willing to bet all of you who have had enough are searching Google for Killer Whale songs, and taking the kid's boom box to try it out.

the best solution for Seals is what happened at Hood Canal a couple of years ago. A big pod of KW's showed up and dined for about a week. It was estimated that 1500 seals and sea lions were the main course.

I have a friend who watched with his dad at Flora Rocks when a pod of 4 KW's came in from Sisters Rocks. The Bull went to the far side and made a huge show of splashing and swimming back and forth, and the seals took off over the far side to the waiting three KWs. My friend was in a 19 footer about 300 yards off, and watched as seal pups were picked off like a trout takes a dry fly. The carnage lasted about 20 minutes and the whales took off for Texada.

I appreciate nature doing its job, but sometimes a little help is in order. There is talk that the Cowichan run might go extinct this year. The seals will not help the situation as they sit off the river mouth picking off the returning salmon. I appreciate that DFO will do nothing as it is not politically correct. Lets hope our black and white friends help out this year on the inside passage rivers.

I have read all the posters on this thread, but will let you know upfront I have just purchased a fully automatic smg pellet machine gun that shoots plastic pellets but won't really hurt seals, but sure will let him know who's boss even if I have to chase them down to retrieve what belongs to me. When I get close they will have a real headache by the time I'm done.I know this may seem cruel to some. I know we have to let nature due it's course and until then take whatever action is required with out maiming them or killing them until the seal population get's back to reasonable levels. With that being said if it's not politically correct for us to have seal cull, ask the people that use to seal but now would rather net the rivers and sell the fish on the side of the road or out of the trunk of their car.

Just My Opinion Right or Wrong <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>

Cheers ME

Happy Hookin!!!
Pellet Nugs can be easily misinturpreted by others on the water. Sound like a great idea to me, however a sign of todays times could lead you to a sh-1t storm of trouble by granolas and such folk who would juist love to stir the pot... If we were in the states i would consider a grenade launcher mounted up front!!!
MD you have a very valid point. I wasn't part of a great group of very talented shore anglers that were fed up with one paticular seal so they finally lost it, and tied a bleach bottle to 25 feet of 100lbs tuff line to a circle hook and when the seal went to take the first mornings catch they threw it out to him with a small salmon attached. There plan worked but 15 minutes later the dfo came to check things out and tried to understand why this bleach bottle kept sizzling across the water only to soon see this seal (PEST) really putting on a show of unusual behavior. Needless to say sammy the salmon stealling seal hasn't to this day be seen since. By the way from that same place I landed my first tyee (32lbs) from shore or the ROCKS enough said...

Cheers ME

Happy Hookin!!!
We got on to a good fish last year off possesion point in sooke only to have a nice lil black critter decide he wanted it more. We threw all we had up our sleeves at it. We got right above it and held there until it came up and whacked it with a paddle and it still would not let go. Another flasher bites the dust. It was nice of it to appear almost showboating the fish circling the boat adding to our great amounts of pleasure. I have now decided its just part of the game, cat and mouse...4 good springs went to the seal last year, rathchets on or off it does'nt matter they are always waiting...I now only fish that area and off secretary if desperate.
Yes maddog grenade are still legal down here.Thats why you have all the seals up there [lol.]

thanks the runt