Crew Member
3 4 year olds and a 5 year old Roy?Like Doug said out of the 29 I submitted only 4 came back with a tag... So i would assume the non "chipped head tag" are fish that are clipped as the USA clip 100% of the fish they release. and thanks to the US they ramped up there progam years ago big time ...
Date Caught Tag Area Species Age (yrs) Release or Hatchery Name
2024‐08‐06 186818 20 Chinook 4 Chilliwack River 1
2024‐08‐14 211318 20 Chinook 5 Hoko R 2
2024‐08‐23 056525 20 Chinook 4 Tsoo‐Yess R 3
2024‐08‐29 211502 20 Chinook 4 Hoko R 2