Salmon Extinction in Japan

Well I guess we all have our oppinions on the issue. Some I feel are just out of work commercial fishermen who feel aquaculture is the reason they are no longer employed. Not the fact that the resource has been harvested to the point of near extinction (to feed other countries like Japan and the US). Thus they attack with more venom than needed. I am always amazed how people react to something they may not want to hear. Anyway I respect what most of you have to say although I still believe in what I do. We will have to agree to disagree and leave it at that. However I think the vocal minority does not believe in the hype. Aquaculture is not perfect by any means. However harvesting wild salmon by the tens of millions is not doing their populations any favours either.
Barbender, you're a beauty. Hopefully one day in the near future you will be an unemployed fish farmer. By near I mean YESTERDAY before you fish farmers rape and pillage the industry. Nothing personal. No, you can take it personal.
quote:Either way you look at it, humans are to blame period

too true, lets stop blaming and just doing something about it eh
every step counts in walking a mile, and we've got many miles to go.[xx(]