salmon capital of the world

  • Thread starter Thread starter salmonspanker
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ok anglers! heres the question.....
out of these two spots which is the true salmon capital of the world and why????
Port alberni.....
cambell river.....
i would love to hear ur responces and a reason if u have one

fish on boys
that wasnt the question....cuz most ppl havent even heard of that .....goin back to the question????port alberni or cambell river
Well I'd have to give the edge to Port Alberni for Salmon Capital of the World, but dang nab it's a close race.

As for Salmon Stealing Seal Capital of The World, Nanaimo wins hands down!! No competition here.
ahah thats great we got 1 cb guy but port is in the lead.....come on guys the heat is on pick ur town!!!
If I had to pick between the 2 I would have to say Port, but its a tough call if you take the banks and barkley sound out of the picture. C.S is right about one thing though
yea butt he whole package is on the west coast of vancouver island
it all comes as a packaged that our awesome enviroment
who hosts the biggest fishin derby on the island/lowermain land
Hey guys, lets talk about year round fishery, and all the salmon species. Campbell Creek gets springs, coho, socks, dogs and humpies. You don't have to run for miles to get to the grounds. Jigging, trolling, mooching, flyfishing etc is all at your doorstep. I fish Port and Barkley, Nootka and CR and love em all, just depends what species I am targetting and how I want to catch em!!!
If you are just talking salmon, and the criteria is sheer numbers, not species, then you have to go with PA.

CR in the last 10-15 years just hasn't has the #'s of fish due to increasing loss of habitat on the east coast of the Island and what seems to be an increasing trend for returning fish to come down the outside of the island not the inside passage.

Sharp hooks and full traps!
I would have to say cr because they have runs of chinook from may-september. I may be wrong but i thought that port only has sockeye may-september aand the chinooks start showing up in mid-late august. I have not fished port but i m goin on june.29 for a week or so at china creek. I might have to change my vote.

beachcomber NANOOSE
o believe me....after a week of fishing for the big boys none stop ur vote will change because its suppost to be a bigger run then last year..
well over all i think bc wins over all but port alberni is defently voted more then cambell river is
PA is awesome il give u all that...but i love campbell river cuz the area is sooo rich in not saying Pa isnt, i dont know or not...but im just a kid and i appreciate what people like Roderick Haig-brown and and Van Egan have done for the area, the fishing, everything..i am sure that port alberni has more fish to catch, maybe better fish and better overall fishing..but still i love campbell river and will always support it as the true Salmon Capital of the World!!


hey!...wheres my float?
uh oh...
If anyone really gives this question any thought there is only one right answer.
Any guesses?