rupert in june


New Member
lived in rupert 81-87 and worked at kelly douglas on cow bay. fished a lot out of the federal dock on cow bay. we are planning to return to fish 2nd or 3rd week of june '21. is moorage still available? also need motel with kitchenette. any info will help a lot. i generally fished the kelp bed and bell buoy just outside, past metlakatla. super strip was all we ever needed but its not available anymore. up to date info would help me a lot as we have a week to play. thanks
lived and worked in rupert 81-87, at kelly douglas on cow bay. we are returning in june. need some help with fishing info and finding motel with kitchenette. any help would be great. all we ever needed back then was super-strip and deep-six. not available any more so need new info.
if you have the means to get out to Dundas Island fish cut-plug herring with a 6 or 8 oz weight
anywhere from 13 to 21 pulls out.
anywhere along the North side of the island, Kelp point is a good starting place.

Bring lots of insect repellent

OMG! Honestly its biblical! You will find new bites for 2 days after. I thought i was all smart with my hoodie up... The black flies got into m sweater & had a FEAST! The next day looked like I had chicken pox...

I will not fish there with out 10 knt winds. Fak it, I would rater be beat up with weather than ever experience that again

BUT..... We did nail a 36lb spring....
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Explain please..... I am truly interested
Explain please..... I am truly interested
The referenced lodge is on Dundas - sounds like most good spots are on the north end & lodge boats communicate as to where good fishing is. I could easily be wrong but you gotta start somewhere
Explain please..... I am truly interested
I have fished at Haa Nee Naa Lodge several times. One of the lodge owners and head guide Jason is a friend of mine. They only fish cut-plug herring on weighted rods. you will never see a downrigger there. One of the highlights of the trip is getting up at 4am and jigging enough fresh herring for your day of fishing. Nothing is more deadly than a "freshy" power mooched on a weighted rod. I have applied this to several of my trips to other areas and it paid off in spades.
The black flies are an issue for sure. just marinade yourself in deet and cover the rest of your body the best you can!
It's one of the few places in BC where you could catch the next world record Chinook.
if you have the means to get out to Dundas Island fish cut-plug herring with a 6 or 8 oz weight
anywhere from 13 to 21 pulls out.
anywhere along the North side of the island, Kelp point is a good starting place.
Which point is Kelp Point? Don't see it on the charts. thanks
Arniston point. , if you have a small boat you don't have to do the 35 mile trip specially in June, there is really good fishing in close.
Also, good areas are out to the north or south end of Stephens Is Bell Passage/Edye Passage areas. Bit of a run though.

Stories about Dundas Is bugs are legend. During the 80's I maintained the Coast Guard repeaters at the top of Dundas (and other sites). It was a sprint from the heli-pad to the Comm shack every time in the summer.
Not so much in January...
lived in rupert 81-87 and worked at kelly douglas on cow bay. fished a lot out of the federal dock on cow bay. we are planning to return to fish 2nd or 3rd week of june '21. is moorage still available? also need motel with kitchenette. any info will help a lot. i generally fished the kelp bed and bell buoy just outside, past metlakatla. super strip was all we ever needed but its not available anymore. up to date info would help me a lot as we have a week to play. thanks
You'll see some big changes. I went back in 2019 for the first time since 1990. Many changes, but many things still the same...
I'm liking this thread. I fished Rupert end of June and had a blast. Great waters to fish. Still so much to learn. That's also the fun part.

End of June has some beautiful Coho. With Coho over 8-10 lbs plentiful there is no problem getting salmon for the dinner plate for the coming winter. Also springs around to be caught. I was allowed 2 which dont fell so bad with fat Coho around.

If you do your homework and are willing to work the structure there is amazing bottom fish. Truly amazing. The nastier the structure the better the fish. Right close to Ruppert. The guides dont bring guest there because you will lose a jig every drop if you don't know what you are doing. Honestly it's that's sticky with gear. But pay attention to what you are doing. Jig like you are jigging aggressive reef fish, & you will catch Lings like you cant imagine. Your arms should burn. The quality of the lings is as good or better than the best I have seen in Haida Gwaii....

Look for small extreme structures. Pay attention to the current & have a dry run with a controled drift (back troll) over it before you set up. Work that jig hard, jigging and reeling 30- 40' up and then drop. Those big girls cant help themselves. They hammer it. Never jig the same drift twice. If you jigged it hard & no big girls, then no one home. If you are fishing with friends, remember the first one down with the right action will take the biggest fish on that structure. Its combat fishing when you are with friends.

Oh man.. Now I'm excited for 2021. It feels good to look forward to it...... I sure hope I get some new Bottom fishing gear for xmas......
Fished bamfield Uke area my whole life but live up north now so I will be heading to Rupert around that time too.. hoping to find a 2nd boat to buddy boat but lots of time to figure that out. Thinking Lucy Islands for my first trip.. also anyone know where I can store my boat out that way? I live in PG so wanna go back and forth.. super excited to learn PR fishing
lived in rupert 81-87 and worked at kelly douglas on cow bay. fished a lot out of the federal dock on cow bay. we are planning to return to fish 2nd or 3rd week of june '21. is moorage still available? also need motel with kitchenette. any info will help a lot. i generally fished the kelp bed and bell buoy just outside, past metlakatla. super strip was all we ever needed but its not available anymore. up to date info would help me a lot as we have a week to play. thanks
The totem lodge motel is an older hotel but has kitchenettes. Eagle bluff bnb right at the dock in cow bay has a shared kitchen and I’d say is one of the best places to stay if you can get in, it’s usually booked long in advance. There’s moorage at the yacht club, city owned cow bay dock, and the three docks run by port Ed harbour authority, Rushbrook, Fairview, and cow bay. Call ahead for the yacht club or the one owned by the city.
You don’t need to make the 35 mile run to Dundas and the bugs, but it can be good. As can pretty much anywhere in the area. Late June isn’t what it used to be though, and though it can be prime time Chinook fishing, it can come with some lulls. A week of fishing should give you time to find a few spots and dial in on tides. Late June there’s still good fishing right at that bell boy you’re talking about, and all the other places listed above.