Apparently fish that have been transported above the slide have fell back down below the slide can anyone confirm that?????
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Data being gathered from D.F.O. information and Salmon Commission:
1. Fraser Sockeye returns are not looking good. Test fishing catches and daily escapements continue to track WELL BELOW pre-season forecast expectations. The Panel adopted a Summer-run run size of 1,065,000 sockeye. Most groups are tracking below escapement levels. If this continues, we could be looking at a return lower than the 2005 run (the lowest on record). There are currently no sockeye directed fisheries occurring and the test fisheries are not collecting any pay fish.
2. Big Bar Slide continues to be a major concern for Fraser fish that spawn upstream of the slide. DFO estimates there are approximately 156,000 Chinook and Sockeye holding downstream of the slide site. As of August 12th, crews have transported approximately 8,500 sockeye and 2,700 Chinook past the slide, but a number of these fish are falling back downstream of the slide; anywhere from one to two thirds of the fish transported.
3. DFO requesting Marine Nations planning to fish for pinks this year instead of sockeye, to hold off until we see signs of increased pink abundance to reduce impacts to Fraser Sockeye. DFO is also asking that Nations provide release/encounter information for other salmon species encountered in fisheries, particularly to provide updates to the Pacific Salmon Commission.