Rivers Inlet with Plugs


I posted a Rivers Inlet question last year about this time and Finished Business was kind enough to send a reply, but season ended and I didnt notice I had a message until this morning.
We are going to Rivers the 1st week in Aug 2013, but as our boat is a bit bigger and we cannot slow down enough to cut-plug. I plan on fishing downriggers and plugs or spoons the way I normally fish out of Bamfield.
As we are bigger, we plan to stay out of the way of the smaller hard core sportfishers, and lodge boats.
Any suggestions about location, plugs, etc would be very welcome.
also, I will be checking my messages as well as general replies to this post
Thank you very much
Just remember Downriggers are not permitted beyond McAllister and Rutherford point. They are marked by boundary signs. Beyond this point inland you cannot use Downriggers or any weight fixed to your line that is more than 8oz (227 grams).

Here's the link to DFO. they have one of the most active patrol stations in Rivers inlet so be sure to be up on the regs to protect yourself, and the fish.

Good luck to you. We only cutplug so i cant help with spoon choice. Fishtv did an episode and Gary was using a naked wonderbread spoon above a konezone dummy flasher at the mouth of the inlet quite productively....where most of the Duncanby hang out...

Don't be affraid to nudge into the fleet, even of your are bigger. Its your water as much as anyone else's.

I posted a Rivers Inlet question last year about this time and Finished Business was kind enough to send a reply, but season ended and I didnt notice I had a message until this morning.
We are going to Rivers the 1st week in Aug 2013, but as our boat is a bit bigger and we cannot slow down enough to cut-plug. I plan on fishing downriggers and plugs or spoons the way I normally fish out of Bamfield.
As we are bigger, we plan to stay out of the way of the smaller hard core sportfishers, and lodge boats.
Any suggestions about location, plugs, etc would be very welcome.
also, I will be checking my messages as well as general replies to this post
Thank you very much


If your boat trolls fast, the standard hoochies on longer leaders will work. Army Truck, Purple Haze, etc. White,

Spoons such as Tomic, Clendon Stewarts, Wonders, Dazzlers in the 4.5 to 6 inches will also work.

For Plugs, the 6" at a minimum will help to keep some of the Yoyo's away when offshore. 7" with an 8/O will be good for the Chinooks and when you get one, it'll count.


Tight lines and take lots of pictures!
Thank you both for your quick response....This is very helpful
Looking forward to the cruise and two or three days fishing at Rivers.....
If I be you... Its not far to cruise out to Hakai Passage / Odlum Pt. - may or may not be where the fish are by that time of year, but the scenery is great and its protected water all the way. I usually go that way if I'm heading to Shearwater from P Hardy.