Interesting discussion of the collision regs.
As far as right rod to shore, and considering trolling with or against the current- I prefer and find I get more bites when trolling with or at an angle to the current and so if I have the place to myself, or there's only a handful of boats, I find my place in the pack and troll how I want to fish but give way when it makes sense - ie. not crowding someone if there's lots of room and with consideration for the collision regs. I'd never heard of the right rod to shore "rule" till this thread and I do fish quite a bit.
I find it much more sensible to follow some more basic rules - "don't be a jerk" and "when in Rome..."
If the fleet is rotating left to shore due to the current being fished best in that direction, I don't sweat it and just join in if I want to fish there.
Of course the collision / right of way rules come into play if you want to push it, or if someone is pushing you, but I prefer to avoid all that BS. But perhaps I have a different fishing mentality than many... I'd rather fish alone or in a small pack than in a hoard of boats at the "primo spot" but I also have the benefit of living and fishing in a part of the world that doesn't get that crazy busy compared to down island or near the LML. And I have a bit of a "trout bum / steelhead bum" mentality - I prefer to fish away from the pack, and I never feel like my cooler suffers from a lack of fish.
What concerns me more is guys that 1) don't clear the way for a "fish on", and 2) guys that see a fish on and turn toward the fish and pull up next to me, behind me, or coming nose to nose on me while we're playing the fish thinking I've found a school and then they end up cutting in behind me, often into the path of the running fish...
Ironically, or not lol, the only times I've had guys running their gear across my fish were guides, local F-ing guides who should know better, and know that if you mess with another local boat, your asking for long term trouble. Luckily we managed to land the fish and get all the gear back each time but not without a 20min f*ck around that took both of our boats out of fishing mode while we untangled stuff and dealt with the chaos of hand lining fish and rafting up to deal with the BS.
Makes for good stories though, and perhaps that's what it's all about

My buddies aren't paying guests and we catch enough fish during the year, so it's more about getting our gear back, but I would be pretty choked if I was paying $2k a day and my guide pulled some aggressive BS and ended up wasting half an hour during the bite.