Region 2 -- Crabbing Fine -- Need Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter adamwalsh
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Hello everyone,

So, yesterday I went fishing with my new wife and her brother. I bought my first license in the morning and set out at about 11ish. I did not take my glasses with me. Storm came in, we knew we had to get out fast... But ohh, what about the crabs, they are about 300ft below... Anywho, grab the crab, started heading back (No fish caught by the way). We get to the docks, its the fishing officer (great). Then he gives me a fine for 400 because the crabs were about 8-9mm under. Okay fine, then he writes my old address on the ticket, right after I told him that it was not my current address (incompetent). Anyways, if anyone knows how I should dispute the case before the provincial courts, I would love to hear from you. Thanks
Why would you dispute a ticket that you agree was warranted?
And then state that the CO was incompetent.
Well that's like calling the kettle black isn't it?

Way to impress the new brother-in-law, though.

Thanks guys... Explorer, is it not true though that the continuity becomes invalid because the ticket is addressed to the wrong individual?
Explorer185 is ancient.............He hasn't wrote a ticket in over 20 years. But he is right!

The address does not form part of the charge, If I'm not mistaken it says that right on the ticket.

Time to buck up Walsh, you broke the rules, no excuse.
Adam, no, when an information is sworn, the address does not become part of the information, it is only a way of establishing where one lives and from what I see, the officer was going by a document provided to him instead of taking a chance on receiving false information as the 2005 fishing licence year is only 12 days old at the time it was issued.
And to Totally Tyee, remember, you are still wet behind the ears!!!!

400 clams...Kinda makes one's butt pucker!. <img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

I'm afraid that the Judges response might go somewhere along this line;

"You can go over to the Army & Navy store and purchase on of those crab caliper things for $3.95. If they fit, throw em back. If they don't, take em home". <img src=icon_smile_angry.gif border=0 align=middle>


Sorry for your misfortune. Ignorance isn't a reason, only a poor excuse. I wouldn't try that one myself.

Good luck.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean