Rec. Sockeye Opening

Do a little dance! Yeeha![8D]
Thanks for the update. I had to throw back a dead one on Wednesday. Hate that.
Good news,
The details of the notice are a little wierd ... you are supposed to RELEASE the hatchery Socks but can keep the wild ones. I wonder how many of us remember that.

Thanks, Alex. I didn't even notice that important detail. How's your summer going?
It reads, "Anglers are requested </u> to release any hatchery marked sockeye. (requested not required) If you wish to keep a hatchery Sockeye you can! Sockeye are OPEN!!
Well stated Rock and congrats on your 100th post. It seems to me if the DFO wanted info on these Sockeye they would include a coded tag or spaghetti strap. I would be more inclined to remove said head and deposit in appropriate containers provided, then to throw back a prime inside Sockeye only for it to meet it's demise in some poachers net. Or just as bad some special group opening. eman
how long of leader should i have behind the flasher if im running a small pink hootchie??
I have never understood the reasoning behind the regulations that allow 0 fish for most of the year but allow 4 when they are open. Why would they not alow less retention more often?
If retention was 1 or 2 it would be a nice bonus for incidental catches but would keep people from targeting the species.

I've been waiting to get a crack at the sox. It's what I like to target,smoke and can. :D
Short leaders 12" to 18" I found last year the shorter the leader the less hassle with the slimey pinks.
The Rock,
You're right, it is a request not a commandment. I just thought it was a curious one.

re: summer so far. Great ... except for the fishing, what about you?. My work schedule kept me out of Pt. Alberni until immediately AFTER the Socks were closed. That makes it two years in a row now. At least I have a trip with my kids to CR to fly fish for Pinks in August.

Alex- 1 trip to Port Renfrew earlier this month for not much fish (lots of fun tho)We're getting some good spring fishing in Sooke now. As Poacher says, I'm eager to get some sox to smoke and can. I hope the Adams run migration route is favourable this year but if they all go down the inside we're hooped here on Juan de Fuca. Hope you have a ball fly fishing.