Quad Header Chinook


Active Member
Hi all,

Its that time of year and I'm going through all my footage from the summer. Here is a video of my quad header this summer. Some of you will call it a triple but i'm going with quad lol. number 2 and 3 were on while 1 was being landed and number 4 hit before number 1 got in the fish box (just as movie comes on number 1 is going in the box). Ive never had a triple header for nooks so this was pretty sweet. I have had a few coho triples but never chinooks.

Video was much longer so i shortened it a lot. Last fish was on for a while!

I got lucky throwing rod in the rod holder while I cleaned up the sides but I've done it before and had success. As long as u watch it making sure the fish doesn't run the boat you can get lucky. Tell you the truth, If I knew it was a big guy I prolly wouldn't have done it. Most of the fish we were catching were 15-20 so I figured it was the same.

I'm excited to here all the critics. Yes its a gong show but every fish made it in the box! And I like a good gong show out there. Makes it more interesting.



Kelp bong for the win!! Nice job wooly!!
Love the beer bong, looks like your putting you boat to good use cool vid!!
1. You can't catch fish unless you troll in the middle of a large pack of boats, so clearly the whole video was photoshopped.
2. The fish bonker almost got the big guy in the bag on fish number 3 which would have made the video even better, so try to get that in next time.
I saw a triple header.............. :p

Awesome vid!
:cool: I only seen a triple.:p

Why kill marine habitat to drink beer? Seems wrong and a little gross to me. Very interesting though.

Thanks for sharing. It is a excellent video.
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If you redo clip, have fisherman #4 hold up the last and biggest fish
try a double header on your own right at the same time

now thats then a gong show

and both in the net at the same time pr of 18lber's

but welll done lots of team work to get all in just the same
If you redo clip, have fisherman #4 hold up the last and biggest fish

I will post a picture of the last fish when I get it uploaded.

I reccomend a kelp bong to everyone. As long as the kelp is Alive The inside is basically Like glass, and makes for a very smooth bong. There is no salt and no different taste. Just dont try it with a decomposing kelp, might not go very well.
Great job!
Keep calm and getter done.

The swim grid netting looks risky but I guess there was not much room on deck with that beer cooler. LOL

Thanks for posting a well filmed vid.

Wicked vid! I'm still kicking myself for loosing a video of jonny landing a double header of Tyees solo a few years back. Computer crashed and lost a years footage.