Puntledge River opening for chinook and chum delayed

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
The extreme dry period we have been having on the east coast of the Island has seen the Puntledge dropping and warming up. Our local SFAC agrees with the hatchery manager and our local Fishery Officers that it would put undue stress on salmon that have made it up the river to have even a C&R fishery at this time. Subsequently, the river will remain closed to salmon until there is an increase in flows and a dropping of water temperature.

I am assured that there is an intention to have a chum in-river fishery , and most likely a chinook fishery when things turn around. Coho numbers are not expected to be large enough to open for them. Stay tuned.

The Official Notice will be coming out shortly.
Thanks for that info. I was going to take a look tomorrow, won't bother now. Let's hope there are still some chromers in the river in November!!
The extreme dry period we have been having on the east coast of the Island has seen the Puntledge dropping and warming up. Our local SFAC agrees with the hatchery manager and our local Fishery Officers that it would put undue stress on salmon that have made it up the river to have even a C&R fishery at this time. Subsequently, the river will remain closed to salmon until there is an increase in flows and a dropping of water temperature.

I am assured that there is an intention to have a chum in-river fishery , and most likely a chinook fishery when things turn around. Coho numbers are not expected to be large enough to open for them. Stay tuned.

The Official Notice will be coming out shortly.

None of this comes as a surprise
except for the low expectations of coho numbers.
What was that source of that information and the reason for the downgrade?
I have a buddy that was out this morning first thing. Water was VERY low. He said a CO came by saying they were asking people voluntarily stop fishing until it is officially closed, and later re-opened. He said the closure notice should be out in a couple of days.
None of this comes as a surprise
except for the low expectations of coho numbers.
What was that source of that information and the reason for the downgrade?

SFAC and the same guy that Libbs buddy talked to... Fishery Officer Bryce from Comox. reason for no coho opportunity? -- poor hatchery survival caused by previous extreme temperatures at the Upper Puntledge rearing site. (and low ocean survival as well....damn....)
. reason for no coho opportunity? -- poor hatchery survival caused by previous extreme temperatures at the Upper Puntledge rearing site

This is October 1, 2012
When were the extreme temps causing poor survival?
I realize DFO has been cut back and are short staffed but why the late info?
This is October 1, 2012
When were the extreme temps causing poor survival?
I realize DFO has been cut back and are short staffed but why the late info?

Where have you been???? This not new. Look at the date on this notice:


Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0678-RECREATIONAL -Salmon - Non-retention of Coho and Chinook Salmon in Region 1 - Puntledge River

Coho and chinook salmon returns to the Puntledge River are forecast to be lower
than average in 2011. Local hatchery staff have indicated that hatchery coho
smolts experienced extremely high rearing mortality in 2008 due to high water
temperatures and unfavorable rearing conditions.

At this time returns are uncertain therefore the daily limit for coho and
chinook salmon will remain at zero (0) in the Puntledge River until further

This is an update to page 8 of the 2011-2013 BC Freshwater Salmon Supplement.


Contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or visit our website at

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0678
Sent August 5, 2011 at 15:28
Visit us on the Web at http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca

The hatchery has been battling high temperature kills for YEARS... thats why the endangered summer run chinook are incubated and reared at Rosewall. As far as the coho, in an attempt to offset losses in the upper Puntledge rearing channel, (just below the lake where it is greatly affected by warm surface temperatures) the hatchery changed their strategy and has cut thier smolt program drastically. More adult coho are allowed to spawn in the lake tributaries and fry hatched at the lower hatchery are released into the lake and inaccessible tributary streams to the lake. Fry have a much lower survival rate than hatchery smolts, so returns are almost impossible to predict with precision . But there is a limit to how many fry can be reared in the lake and streams adjacent to the lake. The Provincial Fisheries people have expressed concerns that too many coho may affect trout populations in the lake. That is still a discussion in progress.

The hatchery manager Darcy Miller is very approachable. If you want more info, give him a call at the hatchery and set up a time for a chat.
Thanks for the info Cuba,

I was aware of the 2011 situation but didn't know about the rest.
I just spoke to a hatchery volunteer and I'm getting the picture.
I am going outside now to do a rain dance.
Let's hope for the best
Decided to have a look myself yesterday afternoon at the Condensory. God the water is low, not many fish in the river yet. Saw about four or five dudes fishing. I saw a few anglers arrive with rods who did not know about the closure and informed them and they left, all except one who ignored me and started fishing anyway. I expect Bryce will sort those people out.