Proud papa


Well-Known Member
just brought her home from Santa Barbara yesterday after a 4 day marathon driving ordeal travel down and tow back. I couldn't be happier with the results. Its going to be a fun summer!


Hey Finaddict, I have a 2101 I purchased in Oregon.... Nice ride, I am sure that you will be very happy with it. :D SS
A beauty.
(and, from the thread title, I thought you were announcing the arrival of a little finaddict.)
quote:Originally posted by danthewire

Nice ride,any adventures along the way?DAN
Great trip and alot easier than I thought it would be. The only adventure was at the very end when we were coming over the Port Mann bridge and some little puke "N" driver decided that he was going to jam his way in between us and the 1 ton van in front of us. Almost drove right over the little b*stard. Actually most of the drivers in the US were substantially more courteous than the arses from the border to Port Moody
She's going to be renamed in a ceremony during the maiden voyage, and yes I have all the correct protocol for re-naming a vessel to keep the luck and good fortune of the Sea Maiden with me.

I already have "Finaddict" on my 18' Hewie jet, so this one will be:
"Mor-Fin". When anyone wants to know where I am, they can say he's getting high on Mor-Fin.[8D]
quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

Very nice, substantial savings ?
Yeah I figure about 10 grand less than its worth.The boat is in pristine condition. The previous owner was maintenance crazy and kept impeccable records. 1999 model that shows and looks like a 2004.
Fully decked and came with a barely used trailer, 24 mile Furuno radar, furuno 1650 GPS, 2 Scotty 1105's and ALL the equipment. Guy was getting out of boating andthe deal was just too good to be true. Had to drive down and get it before he changed his mind :D
quote:Originally posted by LastChance

Nothing like watching 3 tons of new fishin' glass arriving! Contrats on the purchase.
Yeah I just hope there are still a few fish around for the next few years.
quote:Yeah I just hope there are still a few fish around for the next few years.
quote:Just means you may have to use your nice boat to go a little farther offshore to find 'em.
exactly the reason why I went for this boat - its built well enough for the offshore travel
As a fellow Striper owner (got mine in WA), you are going to love the boat. You may want to join -- it's free and they have loads of info on anything you will ever run into with your boat. A bunch of recommended mods, and way-too-cool projects to keep you busy on the boat for years.
You know I am in the market for a Striper. I would like a 2101 with good power. Where/how did you find this one?
quote:Originally posted by Kris

You know I am in the market for a Striper. I would like a 2101 with good power. Where/how did you find this one?

I found mine by looking at Actually found a new previous years model the dealer was blowing out at Camano Marine. Made for a very simple trip down to pick her up. The US dealers were offering a 6 year bumper to bumper warranty on the engines at the time as well.

If you join the Seastriper site, you can also post in the ForSale/Wanted section. There are some boats for sale there now and sellers will contact you.