Prop pitch question

Original Riptetide

Active Member
I have a 2002 Yamaha 200 HDPI two stroke. I have a pod on the boat now and I have noticed I am only getting my motor to 4800- 4900 rpm maxed out which is still 42 mph. I was in at the marine store and they informed me I should be running to 5800 rpm. So I took the prop off today and it is a 17 pitch which is a stainless. I do have a aluminum 15 pitch for this motor. Should I try that to gain more rpm ?
You need to find out what Yamaha recommends for a WOT rpm. If it’s 5800 rpm, load the boat up and try to get the rpms as close as you can to that number. Going to a 15 pitch from the 17 will give you more rpms.
You need to find out what Yamaha recommends for a WOT rpm. If it’s 5800 rpm, load the boat up and try to get the rpms as close as you can to that number. Going to a 15 pitch from the 17 will give you more rpms.
Stupid questions but #1) Do more RPMS give u more speed ? , # 2 Do more RPMs cost u more ?
Stupid questions but #1) Do more RPMS give u more speed ? , # 2 Do more RPMs cost u more ?
Recommended RPM is a guide to setting up the motor so it isn't over worked. More RPMs is less speed. The pitch of a prop is the distance one revolution in inches that the boat would move forward. Higher pitch number less rpm
Well for me I was looking for a better hole shot. Since we podded the boat it’s definitely been a lot more sluggish getting on step. I am out testing my 15 pitch prop and I have gained 600 more rpm and lot better response getting my boat on step.
Thanks for info , didnt know that
After changing from a stainless 17 pitch prop that was giving me 4800 rpm. I switch to my 15 pitch prop which is aluminum I am now getting 5400 rpm. Gets on step much better then it did.
You’ll notice your fuel economy is going to improve as well. It’s all about the efficiency of the toro. I switched from 19 to 17 and I feel like my motor doesn’t end to work that hard anymore. Same cruising speed at lower RPM and I burn less fuel too. My mechanic told me that almost all the OEM props aren’t the right ones for the type of boat that they’re installed for.
Have you attempted any of the suggestions in your previous thread?

If the picture in this thread about props is current, I still think your motor is mounted too low. You need to get the motor mounting height sorted out before getting dialled in on a prop
What you're looking for is the anti-ventilation plate (the plate just above the prop) to be skimming the surface of the water when running and trimmed normally, like this:

What you're looking for is the anti-ventilation plate (the plate just above the prop) to be skimming the surface of the water when running and trimmed normally, like this:

When I am out next time I am going to have a look thank you. And I did adjust my motor higher from my first post. I got some work done on my motor and they checked it out for me and brought my motor up almost two inches.