Prince Rupert fishing

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Hi Guys, my Son is Graduating this spring and I want to take him up to Prince Rupert for a week of fishing 2nd week of July.He really loves bottom fishing, where are some good spots for Halibut and rock fish/ling around the Prince Rupert area ?. names and maybe if I'm lucky some G.P.S co-ordinates of some of the areas would be nice. neither of us have ever caught a Halibut before and are very excited about the trip, but we need help. Thanks
Two summers back, I was on the ferry returning to Prince Rupert from QCI...I recalled seeing people in a small metal tin boat jigging on the open sea side from the gap of two islands that is past Port Edwards. I assume they were doing bottomfishing, could be a halibut.
Two summers back, I was on the ferry returning to Prince Rupert from QCI...I recalled seeing people in a small metal tin boat jigging on the open sea side from the gap of two islands that is past Port Edwards. I assume they were doing bottomfishing, could be a halibut.
I receive the news letter by email from Noel on a regular basis, it has reports but not much in the way of locations to actually fish. It looks like Dundas island is a good place, but by my calculations Dundas island is about 15 miles across (could be out a bit) so it would be something like looking for a needle in a haystack.I have done a lot of reading on Halibut fishing,the book "Island Halibut fisherman" is awesome, it has areas and Gps co-ordinates even, but nothing for where I really want to go , which of course is Prince Rupert. Any help will be appreciated.
You should have a great trip out of Rupert in July. Make sure to bring gear for Coho as well as that is a fantastic fishery. What are you going to be fishing out of?
The last few years have produced large numbers of Halibut but for the most part they have been on the small side. There are so many places to catch Halibut out of Rupert. I do not have any coordinates as my boat is in storage in Rupert and I am in Alberta. Here are a few closer places to start: Hammer Rocks(big area but just find a pinnacle and start fishing),North end of Lucy island- 180'? contour comes way out,any pinnacle in Chatham Sound-120' to 300',North/East end of Stephens Island- 180' contour comes way out.
All these places I have listed are considered "inside" waters and if you have a big enough boat there are plenty of other places further out. Most of these areas are within 20 miles of Prince Rupert. Do not take Chatham Sound lightly as I have seen it kick up something ugly very quickly. 20' tide changes at times pushing against a strong wind makes for some white knuckle running. Watch the weather,make sure you have all your safety gear and reliable equipment,good charts are a must also as there are some very hazardous areas.
Good luck and I hope you guys catch some big ones over there. I have had some great fishing trips out of Rupert,I guess thats why I keep my boat there.
Thanks Woody and No Limitz. great info. No Limitz- I am also from Alberta, just outside of Stony Plain. I took advantage of the recession last fall and picked up a 27 ft Triton with twin 150's has radar and other good electronics, I added a lowrance hds Gps and chartplotter, I just purchased the new Navionics mapping for the whole of Canada for it as well as a new garmin handheld also with west coast mapping. As far as safety equip, I now have a marine personal beacon, handheld submersible vhf (as well as the main unit in the boat) flare gun, life jackets etc. So I'm pretty well set up for what I hope to be a lot of safe fun fishing in the future. My boat is in stony right now, but I will be taking up to Rupert and storing it there for the summer. Where do you store your boat in Rupert ?
I live just North of Spruce Grove, so we are neighbours! I am looking to store a Seaswirl 2901 somewhere in Rupert as well. I have fished there for about 6 years now, and there are lots of great spots to be had over there. Lots of great bottom fishing which is what I enjoy the most as well. A couple salmon is just a little plus on the bbq,..and crabbing is good there as well (aside from the crab pot thieves)
I am heading up to Prince Rupert mid next week and was wondering what the fishing was like - coho, spring, halibut ? Are the springs to be found more up towards Dundas Island or should we head south ?
Devers,fishing in Rupert is off to a slow start this year...buddy said they had to scratch real hard for the guests...Dundas was spotty to say the least the last few days they finally got into some # farther south,mostly springs coho have yet to show...sammy
Thanks for the info. Let's hope by next weekend that the coho have arrived and that there are a few springs to get our adrenalin flowing. Have yo heard anything re halibut?
Hali fishing is good. I picked this one up on saturday.


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