Prawning/Crabbing from Land in Victoria

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Greetings all,

First post, and a very rookie one at that. I am in the Victoria area and the buddies and I enjoy heading out throw a crab trap out and have a few beers. However none of us own a boat and we are looking for somewhere besides the big dock in Sidney to head to. Suggestions?

Also, is there anywhere in the area that we could catch prawns with a trap from land? I've already got the crab trap, but I thought catching some prawns too might be some fun and maybe worth the price of buying a second trap.

Thanks for any advice!
I'm new to this forum also. My understanding is that for prawning, you need to put your trap down at least 300 feet. I intend to try it myself, but not til I can afford a winch to retieve the trap. Hope this is helpful info. Good luck.
quote:Originally posted by Salmon Smoker

I'm new to this forum also. My understanding is that for prawning, you need to put your trap down at least 300 feet. I intend to try it myself, but not til I can afford a winch to retieve the trap. Hope this is helpful info. Good luck.

All of this is very true S.S. there is little chance of finding anywhere in the Victoria area that you can prawn from shore. Actually the only places I can think of are the Aggamenom Channel and North of Pender harbour there are a few locations where there is a 300 foot drop off right from shore. Of course all of those places have a 300 foot cliff above the water line as well ;)

AS far as a winch is concerned, real men don't need winches[:0], they just use a strong arm winch:D and then pay for it with an achin back for the next coupla days. naturally though, the prawns taste MUCH better when you use a little sweat and blood to get them
You won't find anywhere to get prawns from the shore but from mid September in to November you can catch shrimp off the docks in Sidney and Sooke. You can make your traps from a bike rim and potato sack.
It can be a fun way to spend an evening but you will have to catch a ton of the little buggers to make a meal.
Now that I have prawn traps and can get 400 prawns in one haul (8 traps and 2 guys) I don't go to the docks anymore. After many years of being a "real man" I now have a puller. :D

Alright, so I'll save the money on the prawn traps. But what about places to go besides Sidney for crabbing? Any other suggestions for docks etc.. to drop a line at? Preferably a place with a cold beer and wine store near by ;)

Thanks for all the help.

Could try the point (next to the 1st launch) at Cattle Point in Oak Bay, or off the docks at the Oak Bay marina...if they allow it. We caught crabs close to the point off cattle point from our boat, and it was 60 feet not far off the shore. I dunno, give 'er a shot and pack your beer with you!

I know people who have gone crabbing at the Sooke Gov wharf but mostly they ended up having tug-o-wars with the seals trying to steal the bait as opposed to catching crab.

But... that being said, Bufffy's pub which I believe has a beer and wine store, is about 2 stone throws from there which should fill your other need so all won't be lost. ;)
well I've learned lots today. By the way Fin, the reason for the winch is that I was such a real man that I had a motorcycle accident and now I'm like the 6 million dollar man ( more like $8,000), but who's counting.
Still looking for a prawn winch.

By the way it was nice on the water today, got 2 crabs.
quote:Originally posted by Salmon Smoker

well I've learned lots today. By the way Fin, the reason for the winch is that I was such a real man that I had a motorcycle accident and now I'm like the 6 million dollar man ( more like $8,000), but who's counting.
Still looking for a prawn winch.

By the way it was nice on the water today, got 2 crabs.

Hey S.S.

I am trying to think of a way to apologize verbally, but I am having a lot of trouble trying to extract my big foot out of my mouth[B)]Sorry to read about your accident.

As an possible suggestion, there is a cheaper way of getting the traps to the surface if you are inclined. Buy a big scotchman's bouy and attach a one way cam block to the bottom. When you pick up the trap, you can disconnect the line from the scotchman bouy, run it through the block and tie it to the stern cleat of your boat. Then all you need to do is drive away in the boat. the weight of the trap will cause enough drag on the bouy to bring the trap to the surface. When the trap hits the surface, the one way cam will prevent the trap from falling back to the bottom. Turn around the boat and coil up the rope as you return to the trap.

Might be just the ticket for your bionics and budget.
