Port Renfrew reports

Friend chartering out there said its been slow, still able to get limits but it takes quite a while and the fish arnt huge
Thanks Nedarb--Is he fishing Swiftsure or along the shore? I don't take my boat out to the bank.
Fished both Swiftsure and camper area last week. Halibut fishing was good on the bank. Fishing was slow at camper we caught a couple of Springs but it took awhile.
We were also out last Thursday and got blanked. Spotty at best right now I would say. Only a few fish came in that we know of that particular day.
Thanks boys. I'm going up the week after next, I'll keep you posted.
went to the bank last Sat and caught Hali's to 44 pounds and our biggest salmon was 37 from Camper but took a while and another 20 pounder.
Was up there yesterday, July 1'st. Fished Camper from morning to 12:30pm. Saw one spring caught! Trolled over the spot where I saw this boat hooked his spring, in 50ft. of water in front of Camper, my rod hammers over! picked it up, gone! Tried a pass out in deeper water, picked up a small hatchery Coho. Lots of boat fishing farther up at Logan, heard on the VHF it was dead all so. OFF day, morning at least.. I don't know what happened in the after noon out there. Boats were traveling in from the bank by 10:30 am. with limits of Halli. Saw a nice 80lb. halli at the Marina when we came in. Later I heard a report of a 190lb. halli came in from the Bank. Previous weekend was good, budy I was fishing with limited out on springs to 28lbs. Last Sat. and Sun.

Joined the rest of my party on the beach who were smelt fishing for the remainder of the day. We had 4 smelt nets out all day long from 6am to 6 pm. NOT ONE smelt !!! Talked to many others who were smelt fishing, no one had a smelt! last year same time we had 5 buckets!.. talked to one guy who has been smelt fishing Renfrew for 2 weeks, day and nights... NO SMELT!!! ???? what is going on?? where are the smelt? I fished smelt at Renfrew for 30 years.. first time I have ever got completely skunked!! not even one stray smelt in 4 nets all day long!! some thing is seriously wrong !
Where are the fish? Slow in Sooke and slow in Renny? Just bad tides or a sign of problems with fish stocks? Anyone else have some positive news for springs? August should be good but what about June - July??
If you think it's slow out west, don't bother to fish OakBay
and the waterfront...
I don't think there are any salmon left, which is weird
cuz there's a ton'o'bait in the water
Any new reoprts (salmon)? St. Jeans told me they just had a guy drop off a 57lb today and others, would that been from swiftsure bank?
Is that 57lbs. of fish or a 57lb. spring or halibut? I'm heading up to Renfrew in the early morning for a days fishing.. I will post later.
We ended up fishing the Swifture bank this morning, picked up 4 Hallibut and a tub of bottom fish and one hatchery Coho. Motored in South of Carmanah hit the coast and dropped the salmon gear and trolled down the coast, picked up a 20lb. spring in front of Logan. The shore has been hot and cold... talked to one guy fishing Camper all morning and got skunked. The night before a guy went out and fished camper at 5Pm. for 30min. and landed two double headers! Hot and cold...
I cant wait to get out there. Last year i went in my little 15'6 hourston. But this year i'll be in my dads 26' Liftimer, so we can head to swiftsure. Im thinking i'll be out there in August, when hopefully there's more fish around.
I was at renfrew this weekend, where salmon fishing has been
quite slow, however the bottom fishing at Swiftsure was fantastic !
Easy limits of Halibut to 35lbs, with some nice lings and snapper
as well. we trolled for Springs on the bank, but could not
come up with anything except a couple of small feeders.

Rough water yesterday, took us 1-1/2 hours to get out there
but once you're there the fishing is great !
We did well on the weekend limited on hali's on Saturday. Went to Camper the next day started off really slow no hits from 5am to 11am. Then we caught 22lb nook, lost another, and finished with a 43lbs Tyee.

The 43 pounder made up for the drunk that hit my boat trailer on the drive in.
Rip, that's a nice fish! Save one like that for me when I'm up there in August, please. [8D]