Port Alberni Derby Winner?

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Rob Warren

Just heading up to Bamfield to fish the Derby. G/L to everyone entered. I'm thinkin a 46 will take it...lol just a guess...
Haha im not going but i would guess around a 48 or 52 will take 'er!
Hate to rain on your parade but i will say low forty's will take it this year about 42. Sure hope I'm wrong though. The fishing should be good with the morning bite being hot last weekend.[:p]
Well we didnt get the 46 that would have won it, but we did miss 3rd on the last day by 1/2 a pound :(. All in all it was a good derby for us we where into 19 fish. The biggest was the 4th place on day three and the other ones of note where 29,28.5,27,24's,22 ECT... I was into fish wherever I went, but spent the most part at a spot I love to fish.. Picked up lots of fish there too, those who saw us know what I mean.;). We where in my Guide boat the 25 foot Boston Whaler.
Hi Rob! Are you in to sharing information? I am coming up for 4 days starting on Wednesday. I wouldn't ask you to reveal your favorite spot but what was the "hot" lure and what depths were you fishing? Was there a certain time of day that was best or were you getting hookups throughout the day? Thanks! Good luck with your guiding the rest of the season!:)
Ya.. the guiding part has been slow for me, not for a lack of fish though. I don't mind lefty.. I was useing Anchovies, then when I ran outta that I used herring and got two of the biggest fish of our trip on them. Pretty standard depths.. 35/45. I think it isn't what you use, but rather how you use it ;) I was pretty much getting hookups wherever we went and all day long. I would say that the mornings where a little bit slower then what I expected but we never really went more than an hour between bites, They would seem to get more frequent as the day went on with a definate bite in the late afternoon, 3-5ish. I saw a few others taking fish at that time of day too.
Thanks Rob! Your info. is always helpful and very welcome. Does anyone know how the fishing has been in the inlet (Lone Tree, Underwood, etc.)? Did any Derby fish come from the inlet? Also, can anyone tell me if they are planning on netting in the inlet anytime soon? I seem to remember last year, the week following the Derby they were netting. Have the Coho starting coming inside in large numbers?
Just returned from Barkley Sound! Fished Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday. Didn't participate in the Derby. Anyway, the two of us came home with six decent springs (biggest 22lb and smallest 13lb). I can't agree with Rob about "hooking up wherever we went and all day long" but the fish was there if you just had some patience! We didn't reach our limit and we didn't hook up any real BIG PIGS, but we had a marvelous time and I think we did better than most!

We heard a LOT of complaining on the radio (ch 68) about how BAD the fishing was! Yeah... I can't say it was "easy", but we picked a few spot that we know well, stuck to our plan and we did ok! To me, it looked like guys were wasting a lot of valuable fishing time (and valuable fuel too) running from one end of the Sound to the other trying to look for that elusive "hot-spot"! We didn't "find" any "hot-spots" - they found us! It's about being in the right place at the right time and is a lot about patience and some "luck". The bite seemed "on" for VERY SHORT periods of time (15-20 min) and those times were few and far between! If you try, under circumstances like that, to "chase" the hot spots based on radio talk, you're likely going to be too late.

In general, I do agree with Rob about late afternoon bites and I don't mind sharing the locations: We fished Kirby and Swale Rock in the afternoons! We also had some early morning action @ Cape Beale Light house! We tried off-shore @ 7mile (nothing) and were on our way to La Perouse Bank (25 mile) on Sunday morning but got nervous in very dense fog!

I also agree with Rob about sticking to basics - Anchovies behind a big green/gold flasher, 25 to 45 feet. We used really LOOOONG leaders - 7-8 feet and tried to troll as slow as possible without impeding the action. I put a little "bend" in the chovy to make sure it "rolled" because it wasn't "darting" very much behind that long leader. In other words, sloooow methodical action seemed to work! Another lure that worked for us was a small (4.0") blue/silver Coyote spoon trolled by itself without flasher @ 25 feet! The bellies of all our fish were packed with tiny needle fish which might explain the success of this spoon.

I'll be back next weekend so might see you there. Good Luck!
What ended up winning the derby? Was it the Sunday's 44+? The website hasn't posted Monday's results yet. Just curious.
I guess we did a little bit better than most, because we lost just as many fish as we got in. We ended up with 19 to take home and where in to at least just as many more. So for the weekend we had about close to 40 hookups! on a fast troll/slow roll 2.5 - 3 knts. Other than the hog we had on at Beal when the two clowns in the Grady ran over our fish and line with their riggin, after which it went into the kelp and busted us off, we didn't hit anything I would say was huge. Lots of nice fish though, and we had a blast.
Don't you hate it when someone runs over your fish with thier gear?
Had a HOG on (40+) in Browns Bay a couple of years back! I know the size cause the fish came clear out of the water seconds after hooking up - then screamed away to starboard, right across the path of another guy and his wife approaching from behind in a brand new humongous Tiara. Normally I would try to stay on top of the fish in a place like that (everybody knows what a zoo Browns Bay can be) but in this case I had no time to react! Anyway, I waved at him to stop or stay away... he just waved back... smiling! When I yelled he just cupped his hand over his ear... "Sorry what was that? Too late... the line snapped with a twang! One of the guide boats from Painter's Lodge drove over to have a little "chat" with the guy afterwards. In retrospect I'm glad it wasn't me that had to do the "talking"... wasn't in the mood to "talk" - not with my mouth anyway.