Porlier Halibut


Active Member
I heard a rumor from somebody that that underwater reef coming out of porlier pass (going outside) has halibut lurking on it.. anybody heard this or thinks its true? i think that if they are catching themm in everitt, sidney chanelle, pt. roberts, and campbell river, there going to be around porlier..
pt. roberts never heard of anybody catching halis around there that is very interesting. sure would be nice to find out if this is true but if so the worst thing you could do is put it on the internet, if there is some there they wont be for long. I have herd of a few coming from the hali bank between nanaimo and vancouver and also off of lesquiti (if that is the right spelling) so they are around no doubt about it.
I think it was this summer I heard of one caught off Point Grey in Vancouver or somewhere out around the Bell Buoy. There was also apparently one caught last summer at Hole in the Wall outside Horseshoe Bay.
Tony Degraff, a lifetime commercial cod fisherman off of the outer Gulf Island (And yes, at Porlier, the mecca of Straight of Georgia Cad Fishin'), told me has has never seen one. A guy at Bucky's sport shop said he saw one once. You don't really hear about 'em untill you get close to Campbell, I have heard of 'em coming off the south end of Quadra. Something to do with brackish Fraser River water maybe? Or so much people sh**t coming from Vancouver. When I was a kid, I used to fish off the dock of Cowichan Bay, and a dragger that was working Trincomoli channel get about 6, so I guess anything is possible.
There was a 67lber caught at my marina near nanaimo. Pics as well. They are out there i know of a spot i have been told but havent yet tried.
You hear reports of random ones being caught, but I don't think the numbers have come back sufficiently to target them....

I wouldn't be surprised if the population is increasing though, lots of good real estate out there in the strait.
cauhgt a 50+lb hali just 1/2 mile south of Dodds Narrows on gravel bottom in 12 fathoms using herring
My brother caught 2 halis off pt.roberts 45-55 lbs.He doesn't fish there anymore.It's slow fishing.Nebarb how did you do i the area. this year.
We did pretty good on the bottom fish, only tried salmon 4 or 5 times this year and didnt get anything, however when we were jigging in porlier we saw a school of about 30 springs swim underneath us (8' of water) that was in early July. Prawns were not too good at the begiunning of the year but towards the end of August it was really good, but someone stole 3 of our traps on one of our last outings and that was all we had, so no more prawning until i buy some more :P and crabs wernt very good either
I found when you drop your traps on the bank out side porlier if you don't put weights on they would get pulled around becuase of the current in that area . I was out side porlier on saturday fighting the wind fished for about 4 hours not a sniff pulled the traps up with no puller from 300 (thats fun) no prawns.
It was pretty nasty out there.
ive never set them at porlier, im in maple bay so i set them off saltspring on the run up to porlier. My traps have about 7lbs of brinks in them :P
quote:Originally posted by saltybeaver

So you were jigging for cod and using what 20lb test ?

LMAO I would never fish lings with smaller then 50! I have even had the 50 snapped like thread a few times. They grow em big on the inside ;). BTW I use full sized rock cod as bait.

Ohh ya My buddy has been working on a dogfish longline boat and in the winter/early spring he fishes the strait. They have got a halibut every year for about the last 5 years. Never two on a string mind you, but they have gotten a few. He said Snake Island and Thrasher was where they got them.
No time, it is like a freight train hits it the line goes down really really hard and a couple of huge head shakes is all you feel then it snaps like thread, and no it isn't dogfish, cuase they don't pull like that!!! I do better with the rockcod though I have hauled up some huge bucket heads on live rockcod and the cod protects your line too. There big 1/2 inch long fangs are sunk into it rather then rubbing my line.
I use 20lb test and the same rods for everything, trollling, jigging, mooching,
I just don’t believe that he pulled a 50# up from around Dodds Narrows
There is only little rock cod around there and I don’t think they would be using hali gear around there. 50# hali doubt it in that area especially with 20 lb.