point grey


Well-Known Member
Launched at McDonald Beach and trolled around Point Grey/QA marker this am for 4 hours. Nothing but a few dogfish to show for it. Tried many depths, anchovie and other stuff. A seal followed one dog fish right to the boat. Got tangled up in a crab pot at 160'. Very few boats out there. The guy doing the creel survey said it has been slow since May. They are still getting them plunking and flossing up the river, so they have to be there somewhere. There are so few boats that it is difficult to say just how bad it is.
I tried around the Sandheads for about 15 mns there was nothing showing on the fishfinder. Pulled up and headed down to the Coalport, Nada on the fishfinder there either. It would be near impossible to troll around the Coalport anyway, there were crabpots all over the place only about 20' apart. How many commercial licences are issued? and how many crabpots per licence?
