Planer board action


For those of us who run large planer boards, not the small inline plastic ones.

What type of action are you looking for with your boards when pulling bucktails.

I have a matched set of cedar boards that a friend built for me, they are built a bit smaller than what you would normally see on the lake, work well but I almost think they jump too much in rougher water. Seem to catch more going with the waves.
I have a larger board that I just put into service, but I haven't played with it much, it doesn't jump nearly as much or really at all in the waves i've seen lately, making me wonder if its really doing much for the action of the bucktail?

Thinking of building another set somewhere inbetween, I still want the odd jump but not every 5 seconds. In rough water my cedar boards spend more time recovering from a jump than pulling straight. But in calm water you can still impart action with the lighter boards....

Anyone have some insight?
Mine have a number of holes drilled into them so I can move the tow point and this changes the action. When its choppy out you need to move the tow point forward or else it will be to erratic. They jump and hop but I think a lot of that movement is lost in the line stretch of the mono.