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their going up the nass acccording to the commercial fisherman, dont know about skeena.....[?]
Now their gojng up the skeena......the commercial fisherman also said there is a large amount of them!:D

better get my rod ready!!!
what about the indian river up indian arm? is there any pinks in that system yet? want to go up there soon on my boat. thanks for any updates
there are pinks but watch out for all the closed to fishing areas because of the Rockfish Conservation Area's. Most of the traditional best spots except right at the head of the inlet are closed to all fishing.
For people who are interested about the skeena river and around the pr. rupert - terrace area, the pinks will be at the Kasics in about 1 1/2 weeks and for cloya bay 2 1/2 weeks or sooner. To Note at cloya, The pinks will not bite any lure!!! You will have to snag the fish some how. And you will have to go at low tide to get the fish in the "pool".