Pink salmon - sea lice study

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Volpe
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John Volpe

Hello all,

There is an urgent need for access to inbound adult pink salmon caught prior to exposure to salmon farms along the east coast of Vancouver Island specifically fish caught off the west end of Golettas Channel in the Port Hardy area - inbound fish are potentially exposed to farms soon after passing this point. These fish are needed for comparison to salmon captured after exposure. Of interest is the abundance of sea lice on adult salmon before and after exposure to salmon farms. We would be very grateful for samples provided.

Sea lice are small external parasites on the body of salmon. Therefore handling the fish in such a way so as to not dislodge the lice is important.

- bring the fish aboard and euthanize immediately (minimal use of net and thrashing will help retain lice)
- cut the gills and allow to bleed
- gently rinse the fish over the side to remove blood debris (to aid in lice inspection)
- bag the whole fish and freeze asap with a note of capture date and location written in pencil
- call toll free 1 866 329 7369 for pick up of the fish

Thank you in advance for your help in this important work. Further information can be found regarding the research group at he links below.

Cheers, John Volpe

John Volpe, PhD
University of Alberta
Phone: (780) 886 2104