Overnight Trips - Camping Locations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Hi there,

I've got several days off in the next couple of weeks and am looking for a few good spots around the south end of Vancouver Island to spend the night while I'm out on the water. Basically anything from Galiano south. I allready plan on spending a night on Tent Island, and possibly ending up in the Stuart Island sate park. Wanted to know what other peoples experiences have been like on other islands in this area. Anything helps as I need to occupy 4 consecutive nights.

I look forward to reading your replies.

Best Regards,

Best Regards,
Ide spend the night on wallace instead ;)

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Just checked out the info for Wallace Island. Looks Great! Also thanks Maddog I just started reading about that one after I finished my post.

Best Regards,

Best Regards,
Yup Wallace is very nice <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle> nice size perch off the dock also <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> Watch as you come in theres a hidden reef at high tide straight out of the entrance to the dock...heres a picture :P i hope u like my artistic skills :P The most northernly "reef" is always above water so just go inbetween it and the island and go straight down..youll be fine :) let me know if you need anymore info


To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Thanx nedarb2 I will check er out on nobeltec when I get back to the island. Great information good to know.

Best Regards,

Best Regards,