Overlimit fisherman

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I agree that the op is full of 'it'! however, two summers ago I camped at a spot in Barkley sound among Many law abiding Americans, but the American couple beside me was packaging and freezing their daily catch of salmon and prawns. their full size chest freezer was almost full of seafood, I assumed he was over his limit and I did call the CO's and I don't know what came of it.

Ok so iam full of it but you saw the same things as I did and yet your post is credible and mines not??you too are an idiot
Your right guys, I misread the Mercian bit but I stand by my point that this is a BS post by some slipper skipper. Poaching, sure it happens but the way this guy explains it says it’s obvious and out of control. How lame is that? Check out this post.
Same guy, who knows but it smells fishy to me.

Can this be confirmed by our one of our members from Ucluelet? If so then I would be asking those members why they didn’t stop it. Poachers around here are hunted down by DFO with great success. Not all have been caught but I think they know they are being hunted. Enforcement budgets are always under funded, we all know that but DFO would be happy to pick off poachers from the dock, way cheaper then a boat.

to me it was obvious and I never said it was out of controll.Dont put words in my posts that are not true.I seriously felt the guy from Utah was cheating on halibit for sure and i know the guy with the salmon was for sure.I watched and no one payed attention to the guy from Vancouver area at all.It was my observation.
I get a kick out of the several negative posts calling me down and calling me a liar and all the sort.
I think with your negative views may be part of the overfishing problem I see every year I go down there .
Wow your sure quick to judge.Who are you?Sounds like you might be one of those fish pigs Iam talking about?
I live in the OK valley and fish once or twice a year.You tell me I never saw what I saw? I saw for a fact at Island west a guy come in with more than his personal limit with his wife and I saw with my own eyes his 3-4 daughters come running down to the boat dock and help him bring in his catch and it was more than 4.So mr noitall what does that constitute????I saw a american from Utah that was parked at island west come in with halibat almost every day I was there(9)so how many did he catch as he was there for a month.So go f--k yourself.I just found out about this forum today so of course I have a low post count you idiot.What am i supposed to do join today? and then wait for 6 months befor posting you moron? I was there for 9 days and never saw a sniff of DFO period.

Go What? Dude it is not good for a new member to be telling somone on here to go F--K them selfs.

But I would glady tell you to F--K OFF.
Wondering that very same thing Sitka...

I basically live in Ukee all summer long, and have a fairly decent handle on who is about. Notwithstanding the suggestion that this particular instance occurred at Island West...

I happen to know an Island Lad who comes awfully close to that same description. He has been around for many years, and just acquired that Cat a couple ago now. Usually carries himself and two or three other anglers. Sometimes fishes amongst our group. VERY honest, VERY careful about the various Rules & Regs, and Polite to a Tee. I also happen to know that about that time period he, and a couple others I know, purchased several halibut directly from one of the commercial boats. In fact I helped set that transaction up and it was clearly all above board. And I pretty much think I know what his, and my position would be were anyone to label him as a poacher. :mad:

Best to get the facts straight before crying Wolf is what I'm saying. And if you suspect an infraction, CALL IT IN, as in NOW! DFO IS in the area, they ARE concerned over this type of behavior, and they WILL react in a timely manner.

Kinda wondering what "ticat" and / or "Hublocker" are going to come up with next... :rolleyes:


this fellow is as old as dirt and is american and does not fish with anyone but him and his wife.You are seriously misguided on what you think Iam talking about and what you know your talking about
If in fact this lad u talk about and this very old guy are one and the same and he did purchase the halibit than I will stand corected but I dont think we are talking the same people here.I must say Iam extremly surprized by all the posters here so upset that a new poster actually have the nerve to suggest that one may find the odd angler overfishing in Ucluelet.
Go What? Dude it is not good for a new member to be telling somone on here to go F--K them selfs.

But I would glady tell you to F--K OFF.

And I as a new member do not appreciate you or anyone calling me a liar when you have no clue whatsoever as to the validity of what I said/asked in my original post so go f--k yourself sir
this fellow is as old as dirt and is american and does not fish with anyone but him and his wife...

I must say Iam extremly surprized by all the posters here so upset that a new poster actually have the nerve to suggest that one may find the odd angler overfishing in Ucluelet.

Wouldn't be the fella I'm thinking of then, he's only about as old as I am, Dirt being just a tad more dated ;) And he certainly is Canadian. Looks like I figured an approximate time occurrence of similar instances to be one and the same, and they weren't. S'cuse me.

Overfishing can and does occur anywhere. DFO can't be everywhere all at the same time, thus it is up to each of us to help where and when we can. We each do our part, and the numbers of the Abusers drops off substantially.

Perhaps I read you wrong in your original post... perhaps. If so, apologies extended. If not... well... time will tell...

Now that as very diplomatic of you Matt, wish I could learn to do that. Another couple of years, when I'm as old as you (-;, do you think you could take me under your wing and show me how it's done.
Ok so iam full of it but you saw the same things as I did and yet your post is credible and mines not??you too are an idiot

I would never wait to report blatant poaching, you waited a month or more... who's the idiot?

as for americans poaching, I'm sure it happens, but probably not nearly as much as the low-life poachers that live in BC.
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Ticat900 I call them the way I see it. Perhaps you need to read more posts on this board and join the discussion to become a good standing member before you fling accusations around on here. Wash you mouth out with soap and learn something about manners then come back with a new login name.
I would never wait to report blatant poaching, you waited a month or more... who's the idiot?

as for americans poaching, I'm sure it happens, but probably not nearly as much as the low-life poachers that live in BC.

I was not sure at the time if i should say anything as no one around me seemed the least bit interested and It was the first time I personally experienced a situation as Blatant as this(seemed to me).When I got home it bothered me enough to at least ask about what to do etc and i really never got a decent answer from any Government agaent.that i contacted.,They kept telling to contact different offices and departmenbts etc etc so I gave up.
Ticat900 I call them the way I see it. Perhaps you need to read more posts on this board and join the discussion to become a good standing member before you fling accusations around on here. Wash you mouth out with soap and learn something about manners then come back with a new login name.

and perhaps you need to show a little more respect to posters be they new today or here for 3 years.Iam not"flinging accusations" as u like to post. Iam stating facts the way i view them
about what I witnessed in Island west marina last August 18-26 2010
and perhaps you need to show a little more respect to posters be they new today or here for 3 years.Iam not"flinging accusations" as u like to post. Iam stating facts the way i view them
about what I witnessed in Island west marina last August 18-26 2010

Perhaps you should start showing some respect you doche bag. You are the one hammering on the Americans and pointing out the place they stayed over and over. You need to move on man. Find a different site or at least as GLG said a new Login.
Look guy you came on here with this post and said

….. saw a lot of people overfishing thier allowable kept……
The other real obviuous crimminal activity I saw…….
……..catching and processing Halibat like it was going out of style.
I got a hold of the DFO and they did not seem to care

[FONT=&quot]Some of us call BS and you tell us to f-off. Yea that’s respect. Respect is earned pal.
Look guy you came on here with this post and said

[FONT=&quot]Some of us call BS and you tell us to f-off. Yea that’s respect. Respect is earned pal.

then maybe? just maybe you should shut your fly trap when you dont really know for sure and in this case you do not?just maybe? I was there and you were not and i know what I saw and NO ONE seemed to care and all you so called expert,d keep saying that there are DFO all over Ucluelet?? I have been three 4 times over 5 years and have never seen ONE
I asked a couple of fish guides and they claim enforcement in this area is almost non existant?
are they also lieing just as Iam?
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