Online Fishing Video

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Captain Jake

I have been told that now a days you can watch your TV on your computer. I just haven't figured out any sites that let me do it without paying. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on the subject please I am all ears.
p.s at the moment I only fish fresh water but any video will be helpful considering now that I am retired I have way too much time on my hands and I am considering broadening my horizons.
Thank you in advance
Cpt. Jake
much apreciated poppa swiss, I have never fished halibut but the last time I traveled to vancouver I really enjoyed myself(a pitstop on the way to sking in whistler blackholm). I will keep you updated on my search for more videos.
I post all my reports on and link my videos within the reports. Youtube is great but they kill the quality of the video.. that is how they are able to host unlimited amounts of video.. nonetheless it is still a great service.
Thanks very much for the outpouring of information, even if I fail understand some of it[:I]. YouTube and Reelreports are great resources depth of information wise, a site I found that has a little bit better quality video is