Okanagan sockeye 2022

hopefully a little better size this year... they were pretty runty 2 years ago. Still nice to get a few for the BBQ though.
This run always produces fish around the 4 lb mark.

Typically the run peaks at Bonneville last few days of June. I'm guessing with higher flows and cooler water than normal that they'll be a few days later than that. Peak around July 1 gives a reasonable look at run size; in recent years they'll permit a rec opening when the return at Wells appears to be exceeding 90-100,000. DFO announcement is usually made during the third week of July.
I looked up fish counts at Wells back to their beginning in 1977. Of late we have had a big disparity between even-number years (abundant) and odd-number years (sparse), but the improvement overall is encouraging. Easy to see the impact of the Okanagan Lake water level management tools that were introduced to prevent egg desiccation back in 2006. Dark days in the early 90s with annual counts averaging barely 5,000.


This run always produces fish around the 4 lb mark.

Typically the run peaks at Bonneville last few days of June. I'm guessing with higher flows and cooler water than normal that they'll be a few days later than that. Peak around July 1 gives a reasonable look at run size; in recent years they'll permit a rec opening when the return at Wells appears to be exceeding 90-100,000. DFO announcement is usually made during the third week of July.
True but the 2 years ago they seemed under that. Didn't scale one but average seemed weak to me. Maybe I'm off base though.
Looks like over 166,000 at Bonneville dam already and maybe just at the peak of the run. Looks like a good chance for an opening this year.
Lol I was about to post same thing. Should be a rec opening, but must be some concern that the peak year of the cycle is only coming in at around 200K or so.
I speculated that the peak of the run might be a little later due to water conditions, high flows and low temps. Seems to be playing out that way. Total YTD will pass 200K sometime today. Over 80% of sockeye at this time of year are bound for the Okanagan.

40k fish through Bonneville yesterday. Crazy. I suspect the peak will be In the next couple days

If it did not peak out yesterday and does so in a couple of days that would mean like 80k more in the next two days.

Exciting to see a return like this.
Sure be nice to see a 4 fish limit like the one year we had a ton. Even if it did peak yesterday, I’d imagine that we will still see another 100k coming through as it dwindles down.