northern cohos

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want to get into some northern cohos this weekend anybody have any sugestions where to go
I just got back from Bella Coola having fished from Tues. to Sat. last week. We did ALL the hot-spots out of Bella Bella including St.Johns, Ivory, Idol Point, Dryad Light, Lama Pass, Walker Point, etc. We caught 1 (one) 12 lb. coho. We ended up at the mouth of the Burke and over 1 1/2 days managed to catch another 7 but they were certainly not record sized fish at all. Say 9-13 lb. It would seem the heavy rainfall the previous weeks have motivated the coho to move early or they were not there yet??? We have not had that poor results for many years. Quite disturbing.
Perhaps someone will reply with better news from further north or further south than our mid-coast fishing area.
Ru***** Gaylord Faulker is that you!!!
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