No Banana's on board?


Well-Known Member
OK this is new to me. I was reading a sport fishing magazine and they mentioned some superstitions. I have never heard of this being bad luck but... No banana's? why would that be? What other superstitions do you guys follow and why? The only one I ever use is no lures at even numbered depths.
Don't open a tin of anything upside down---bad juju!!....especially a beer--it will spray all over your pants.
Had my daughter out once this year. We brought peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Got skunked. My own fault I knew better when packing the lunch but it's something she will eat and a happy child can last longer on the water.

I've heard not to bring fish to eat too but I often bring smoked salmon doesn't effect me. I'll fish even numbered depths too although most of my go to depths are odd numbers.
I am all about the odd numbers on my riggers...I even prefer prime numbers. I don't even like it when it's half way between numbers :)

No bananas on board.

Rods need to be on specific sides... MR2 # 7511 on the port side, 7510 on the starboard side.

I am weird about numbers for most things though :)

I'll troll a banana for Chimpfish if the springs aren't biting......

Go deep for Chimpfish.....and make sure there are no blackmarks on the bananas...they don't like that.

Rig your banana with a 7/0 Siwash....Chimpfish go 150lbs or more.

Angry Chimpfish have been known to jump right out of the water over a boat and expel feces in mid air.
I am glad I am free of superstitions. Bananas are certainly fine with me, and I fish at whatever depth I want, etc. :D
OK here it goes, long ago when ships were doing long ocean crossing it was bad to have bananas on board as they will make other fruits and veg rippen faster. It was
all started from that. if you want to rippen avacados faster put them in a paper bag with a banana. Good luck odd numbers, even numbers, no bananas stick and stay make it pay!
Okay, too many pop with dinner, had a heck of time logging in until realized was typing username as smelly LOL
(Pull my finger)

Anyhow, I have some training in an area that requires critical thinking and skepticism; so have always been challenged by this banana stuff.
"One must have empirical evidence prior to drawing conclusions!" yada yada yada

FWIW A man whose thinking I respect once put a small piece of banana in the large tank in the restaurant at Pacific Shores and said that the fish in said saltwater tank all couldn't get out of that end of the tank fast enough which made him think that bananas contain some chemical that fish don't like.

Who am I to mess with superstition unless I can prove otherwise???

So, this tale moves on to last Thanksgiving when I had a boat load of guests at Browns Bay during the chum run.
2 of the guests were German exchange students.
They were hanging out with me in the cabin due to the cold air outside.
My spidey senses began to tingle but it simply couldn't be true........but I looked over anyhow and to my horror, these 2 teenage girls were eating........BANANAS!!! HOW DID THEY EVEN GET THEM ABOARD?
Politeness got the better of me and I kept my mouth shut.
A buddy would have been smacked upside the head for tempting the gods like that but these poor young ladies simply didn't know any better!
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound, so we all joined in the banana eating (my son had to be coaxed into it, he was stunned that it was happening) and what the heck, we threw the skins on the roof of the cabin for all in the tea party to see!

The morning turned out to be my best ever, I stopped counting at 50 honest hits and we probably had a dozen after that (really, I have witnesses).
Cruising back to the marina with our limit, I filled the young ladies in on the banana superstition, expecting them to try to apologize, BUT one of them leaned forward to me and exclaimed in her Arnie accent, "Well, if dat was what bad luck looks like you should bring de German girls with bananas all de time!"
We all roared laughing, who could disagree with her logic?

My buddies were really freaked out when I approached the marina, since it was plain for all to see that there were about 10 banana peels on the roof!

However, I still can't bring myself to bring bananas on board, maybe if I am having a slow day I will tie up and go get some............

Smelly, oops I mean Smiley.
Hey Smelly (lol),
I suggest a more scientific test. we get three boats..
1. first boat, no banana's and no german women
2. second boat, tons of banana's, no german women
3. MY BOAT, tons of german bikini models.

this is all in the name of science! I am willing to take one for the team here.
Bananas are forbidden on my boat

Ali Muktar is in Iraq, starving, so he goes to the market to steal some food.
He sees Mohammed get busted for stealing peanuts,
and the secret police spread Mohammed eagle and shove the peanuts up his arse, the penalty.
Mohammed screams "No, Allah, Noooo...!".
Next he sees Rami busted for stealing apples,
and so the secret police push the apples up his butt. He bleeds from the eyeballs in pain.
Then he sees his schoolmate, Osama, get arrested for stealing bananas.
But as the push the bananas in his butt, he's hysterical laughing.
"How come you laughing, idiot infidel?" they ask.
"Wait 'till you catch Ali, he steals watermelons!"
you are right kings1234 it was bad news to crew out on a banana boat, the cargo could be easily lost and so would your pay..
the story the way I heard it was that in the old days of banana boats they were often overloaded and in bad seas would often capsize and sink killing the crew,
thus bringing on the lore that the bananas were bad luck but in actual fact is was that the boats were simply overloaded in bad weather
but I dont allow bananas on my boat either :p
The banana and bad luck for fishing thing might be a bit more complex then speeding up the ripening process in other fruits. Bananas ripen very quickly so the sailing vessels that brought them to market had to be the fastest ones in the fleet. The crew learned real quickly that the swift banana boats were the worst ones to sail on because they couldn't effectively troll off the stern for dinner ---banana boats came to be associated with poor fishing success

Also, guys who crewed on banana boats had to put up with spider infestations (they hitch-hiked aboard in the bunches) so bananas were generally consider bad luck to be around on boats. Period.

You could fill up a book with stories about bad juju that originated after someone brought bananas on a boat.

I don't let them on my boat "just because", as in just because I'll go nuts waiting for the resulting bad luck once I know they're on board...
A number of times I have had guests on board an the fishing was extraordinary poor...
So I ask if anyone has a banana?
There was always at least one person who volunteered up one of those yellow devils.
I have had some pretty strange looks as I tossed them overboard....the bananas that is.
Now I inform people beforehand and ask them before they step aboard.....any bananas?