No Banana's on board?

Queen and I were out with Grand Kidlets couple years ago sockeye fishing and having a real bad morning, Not a sniff. So decided to have a snack and when the lunch bag comes out, low and behold, there's a banana. We think the grandson threw it in as he was leaving the trailer. Anyway, the Granddaughter (who was well schooled in fishing lore) had a fit and threw it overboard, quickly telling everyone about how it was bad luck. She got a bit of a rebuff from the banana lovers on board, but within 15 minutes we had boated 2 fish.
Since then the bananas can stay on shore.
I don't claim to be much on the superstitious side, but once the lines are set, there's always a toast to the Fish Gods followed by a shot of Southern Comfort.

Oh yeah, we also carry Southern to toast the Moose Gods with a sprinkle on the horns and one for us.

Maybe I am superstitious........maybe I just like Southern????
NO BANANAS period...... I even ask my guests before they step in and tell them to eat em now or toss them.... kildonan has a good stort about them!!!! LOL
All I've got to say about the banana curse is:- Bulltweet.....

If a fisherman's trip centers on whether there's bananas on board.....he isn't much of a fisherman to start with.

Most of the old wive's tales are bunk.

Human scent on a lure?......busted......I've rubbed my hands all over hoochies and spoons before they went in....didn't matter.

Cigarette residue repels 'em?....busted.....I smoke, and I've smoked while rigging up spoons and hoochies. Didn't matter at all.

Citrus repels 'em?.......that one I believe in.......citrus seems to turn 'em off for some reason.

WD40 is a magic attractant?.......busted......not any time I tried it.......

Chicken , beef fat and bananas a no-go?.......busted.....doesn't make any difference.

When the bites on it's on...and when it isn' isn't.

Women's hand cremes tend to be an attractant?......I actually think there's some merit to that. Judging by the number of times my wife has smoked my butt for biggest fish of the day.

You also have to ask yourself how much residue of anything remains on a spoon or hoochy after you've towed it around in the chuck for awhile. All that saltwater washing it removes a lot of stuff.

I've at times completely smeared a lure with herring oil, towed it around for 25 minutes and then bring it in. There isn't a trace of oil left on it. (however Smelly Jelly is a different story......that stuff sticks like s**t to a blanket).

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QUOTE....When the bite's on it's on...and when it isn' isn't. UNQUOTE

That's where the rubber meets the road in the argument. If you were a commie or a charter captain (as in putting food on the table for the wife and kids based on your ability to be continually productive out on the water) the bite is always on. It has to be. That's why spoons and plugs never hang in the galley of a commie troller. That's why spoons are scrubbed and polished then dipped in secret sauce.

Read some studies about L-serine used as a salmon repellant.

Here's one study that was done on L-serine at extremely high dilution:

I don't wear the blue gloves I see some guy's wearing but I wash my hands continually, especially if I'm eating oily food (smoked fish) or screwing around with lubricants or fuel

Bananas? It's probably all in the head (like whistling in the wheelhouse will whistle up a storm)

But why tempt the fates?

As far as catching fish, my favorite time to catch fish is when the bite's off.
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I've heard the L-Serine story before.......and how salmon are intensely offended by animal scent in the golly, one part per 400 million of animal amino in the water and the fish will scatter.

Right.........which is why bears can stand 6 abreast in a river and pick off the returning salmon as they swim between their legs.

Lubricants and fuels?.....check out Charlie White's vintage video where he tries using different attractors for salmon.

The one that really works is where he dips his lure in the engine bilge before putting it out.

Spoons scrubbed and polished?........many of the old timers would let their 50/50 brass-chrome wonder spoons deteriorate to the point where they were rust brown colored, claiming they fished better like that.
They even had a site on the net where they would discuss the use of certain chemicals that would hasten this action instead of waiting for it to occur over time.

There are dozens and dozens of lakes/rivers around where people swim and play in the summer and early fall.....doesn't stop the salmon from going up.

If you are L-Serine oriented that would mean you would have to pre-wash everything that goes in the chuck that you touched.......downriggerline,clips,fishing line, flashers, leaders and lure. Not to mention the hull of your boat and also outboards.

All while snacking on a banana.....
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I've heard the L-Serine story before.......and how salmon are intensely offended by animal scent in the golly, one part per 400 million of animal amino in the water and the fish will scatter.

Right.........which is why bears can stand 6 abreast in a river and pick off the returning salmon as they swim between their legs.

Lubricants and fuels?.....check out Charlie White's vintage video where he tries using different attractors for salmon.

The one that really works is where he dips his lure in the engine bilge before putting it out.

Spoons scrubbed and polished?........many of the old timers would let their 50/50 brass-chrome wonder spoons deteriorate to the point where they were rust brown colored, claiming they fished better like that.
They even had a site on the net where they would discuss the use of certain chemicals that would hasten this action instead of waiting for it to occur over time.

There are dozens and dozens of lakes/rivers around where people swim and play in the summer and early fall.....doesn't stop the salmon from going up.

If you are L-Serine oriented that would mean you would have to pre-wash everything that goes in the chuck that you touched.......downriggerline,clips,fishing line, flashers, leaders and lure. Not to mention the hull of your boat and also outboards.

All while snacking on a banana.....

That is all there is...