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HI. im wondering about river fishing in nitnat is it open and what do you use to catch salmon.can u flyfish there also i have a 8wt rod and reel is that big enough and im in nanaimo so any ideas on how long of a drive it is i only have acar on the road at this time so can i reach any good spots? maybe im asking to much haha anyway thanks for any info that can help me.
As we speak the Nitty is probally about to blow out do the the rain we are having.
I have personally taken a car down there and its not to bad as long as you take your time.
A flyrod is fine with a sinktip line and a assortiment of flashy flies.
Call you local DFO for the most up to the minute regs as they do change often and without notice.
As we speak the Nitty is probally about to blow out do the the rain we are having.
I have personally taken a car down there and its not to bad as long as you take your time.
A flyrod is fine with a sinktip line and a assortiment of flashy flies.
Call you local DFO for the most up to the minute regs as they do change often and without notice.
As we speak the Nitty is probally about to blow out do the the rain we are having.
I have personally taken a car down there and its not to bad as long as you take your time.
A flyrod is fine with a sinktip line and a assortiment of flashy flies.
Call you local DFO for the most up to the minute regs as they do change often and without notice.
As we speak the Nitty is probally about to blow out do the the rain we are having.
I have personally taken a car down there and its not to bad as long as you take your time.
A flyrod is fine with a sinktip line and a assortiment of flashy flies.
Call you local DFO for the most up to the minute regs as they do change often and without notice.
thanks for theinfo i guess most of the rivers will be blown out now how about chum the nanaimo river estuary opens oct 26? but i havent herd anyone fishing for them do u think its a wast of time i just cant stop!!! i need to find somewere to fish this weekend i need a fix haha anyway thanx alot.<img src=icon_smile_clown.gif border=0 align=middle>
thanks for theinfo i guess most of the rivers will be blown out now how about chum the nanaimo river estuary opens oct 26? but i havent herd anyone fishing for them do u think its a wast of time i just cant stop!!! i need to find somewere to fish this weekend i need a fix haha anyway thanx alot.<img src=icon_smile_clown.gif border=0 align=middle>
thanks for theinfo i guess most of the rivers will be blown out now how about chum the nanaimo river estuary opens oct 26? but i havent herd anyone fishing for them do u think its a wast of time i just cant stop!!! i need to find somewere to fish this weekend i need a fix haha anyway thanx alot.<img src=icon_smile_clown.gif border=0 align=middle>
thanks for theinfo i guess most of the rivers will be blown out now how about chum the nanaimo river estuary opens oct 26? but i havent herd anyone fishing for them do u think its a wast of time i just cant stop!!! i need to find somewere to fish this weekend i need a fix haha anyway thanx alot.<img src=icon_smile_clown.gif border=0 align=middle>