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has anybody been fishing nitnat lake lately? I fished ther last year and found it to be spotty at this time of year. I was wondering when the best time to fish the area at the end of the lake is. There was alot of boats there last year and i only seen 2 fish caught for the whole day. What is the most popular way to fish that shallow water?I took downriggers last year only to find out they were useless!!
It should be starting to heat up soon. I was up there last year in the middle of the month and did well. We were jigging, which produced well, but others troll cut plug herring with mooching weights. Both will work.

Anybody been out yet this year? Any reports?
Just returned from 2 plus days. The shallows slot was a zoo, with lots of boats. We moved in a little farther (70 to 130 ft of water0 and exclusively trolled with down riggers, green flashers and coyote spoons. One 12# four 25 to mid 30's, one 41#. Everything was bright - bright, which tells me they are just showing up. Almost everything hit in the 40 to 55 ft depth. Some jigges were hitting fish, but most were cut plugging. email me if you want more info. Is there a good run of coho in Nitinat? When does it show up?
thanks for the info i think i will be going there instead of the big bank, a little less in fuel and an easier run in the boat. how was the road and did you catch most fish in the morning or on the tide deep were you fishing?And by moving in you meen into the lake?
We came into the lake from the outside. Wind was atrocious out front most of the time, but did not hear or see much being caught out front. So, yes we moved a little farther into the lake. We fished anywere from 20 ft down to 90 ft, but got all our hits between 40 - 55ft. It was primarily a morning and evening bite, but the morning bite extended into the 10 am range. It is a little tough to explain exactly where, but email me at and I will try to go more in depth without wearing everyone else out fom a long post.
hstat i did email you but all your help has given me a better idea of what to do when i get there. I will more thanlikely be there tommorrow. hopefuly i have half the success that you had.any coyote spoons workin or was it just one secret one? I will probably try a tomic spoon as well.
The most effective coyote was the brass bottom, orange tiger stripe, but also used geen and white, and will bring chrome and blue on my next trip. Someone else will have to report on the road.
im heading out saturday morning, we were just going to jig and mooch, is trolling more effective?
There were 4 - 5 boats jigging occasionaly, did not see any moochers, most were trolling herring or anchovey and about 4 -6oz weight. Most boats were in the shallow slot. We moved into the lake a little farther so as to get out of the gohg show, and use downriggers. As indicated, we used coyote spoons about 4 1/2 ft - 6 ft behind flashers. We found that about 12 - 15ft behind the ball was best action, so play with it. Everytime we increased that distance we go no hits. There are several walls in a little (on the left, and then down aways by the island, look for the slide area)that should hold fish.
I'm curious why the moochers wouldn't be using downriggers? Is it simply that don't have them or is there some advantage to using a keel or slide weight on the line that I'm not seeing?
Just off that 20ft shelf, it drops quickly to 80ft. We found fish holding right on the edge of that shelf.
do you guys drive in by the gravel road west of Youbou,
and then run down the lake ?
we towed boats up there about 5 or 6 years ago and the
road was pretty grim...
ya I'm debating on renfrew or nitinat for the weekend - im curious what the shape of the nitinat road is like also
Road report from my Heli logging inlaw is BAD = slow going for trailers
The road on the Gordon Bay side is much better than the Yobou side. Plenty big springs are on the bar , and with the bit of rain they will be moving inside.